Alert configuration

Alert configuration

There are various date fields throughout People Manager that can have an alert set up. These alerts are pre-set to either alert users via an email or within the dashboard. You can configure who gets the alert and the timeframe. If it is an email alert you will also have the option to configure the message.

From admin in the top menu bar, select alert configuration in the system section. You can then either use the search bar, click on the arrows to sort ascending or descending, or use the page numbers at the bottom to find the alert you wish to configure. 


Setting up an alert

Find the alert you wish to change, and click on it.

The alert panel will open on the righthand side of the screen. There are questions marks to can hover over to give additional help within this screen. 

You have the ability to activate or deactivate any of the alerts in the system simply tick or untick the active box.

You can choose who will receive these alerts. These can be set to administrators or managers. If it is an email based alert you will be able to select custom emails list only. If you tick the customised list, you will need to provide a list of email addresses for this alert to be sent to. Type in all the email addresses you require and use a semi colon to separate them. 

If it is an email based alert, you will also see a message text box that has a pre-set message that will mail merge the details as required. You can add further text to this if you wish, we would advise to the existing message to ensure the mail merge function works as necessary. 

Within the parameters section you will be given the option to change the timeframe to suit your business' requirements. 

When completed hit save. 

Amending & cloning

You can amend you alerts at any point, simply follow the steps above and hit save when you have made your changes. Please bear in mind this will change apply to all your employees who already have alert dates set within their record. 

Alternatively, you choose the clone option. Select the alert you wish to clone and click on clone in the bottom righthand corner. You may wish to have the same alert but with different parameters. For example you may wish to have 2 alerts for 2 periods of sickness, one set for 6 months and one set for 8 months. Or one that alerts administrators and managers, and a separate alert that goes to a custom list only. When creating the cloned alert you will need to make sure the active box is ticked.

Once all your parameters are set as required click save and the alert will be added to the list. This can also be deactivated if you no longer wish to use it.  


Date fields and associated alerts

Employee record alerts

Personal section:

Where in People ManagerName of date fieldName within alert configuration
Details tabDate of birthBirthday, birthday2 & dashboard birthday
Work permit tabExpiry date (first expiry date field)Work permit expiry & dashboard work permit

Contract section:

Where in People ManagerName of date fieldName within alert configuration
Details tabDate (general section)Anniversary (a), (b), (c), (d) & dashboard new starters
Details tabEnd date (general section)Contract end
Details tabProbation endsProbation end, probation (2), probation (3) & dashboard probation
Details tabLeaver dateLeaving, dashboard leavers, dashboard leavers (future dated)

Absence section:

Where in People ManagerName of date fieldName within alert configuration
Events tabDetails end dateAbsence end (if set for that specific absence), & dashboard absence (not holiday)
Medical tabNext medicalNext medical
Vaccination tabVaccine expiryVaccination expiry

Pay section:

Where in People ManagerName of date fieldName within alert configuration
Allowance tabEndAllowance end
Deduction tabEndDeduction end
Benefits tabRenewalBenefit renewal date

Development section:

Where in People ManagerName of date fieldName within alert configuration
Certificates tabExpiry Certificate expiry
DBS check tabReview dateDBS review
Discipline tabReviewDiscipline review
Grievance tabReviewGrievance review

Other section:

Where in People ManagerName of date fieldName within alert configuration
Cars tabLicence reviewDriving licence review
Projects tabEnd dateProject end date

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