Holiday calendar

Holiday calendar

Within this screen you can control how the calendar is viewed by employees. This can be done by groups, reporting levels, and you can also decide if employees can view each others calendars, this will be applicable to all users within People Manager. 

Click on admin in your top menu bar and within the absence section click on holiday calendar. 

There are 4 options within the holiday calendar. 

Default calendar view - This will determine how the calendar will be grouped. You can choose from reporting lines, departments, division, location, region or team. 

Enable organisation units dropdown - This allows employees to change the calendar view based on the organisation units. 

Approval required for custom calendar - If ticked, approval will be required if an employee wishs to view another employee's calendar. Go to viewing calendars to see how this works for an employee.

Reporting level - This determines how many levels down a manager can see. For example if set to 1, the manager will only see their direct report. 

Click save when finished.