Administer public holidays

Administer public holidays

In this section you can keep track of the public holidays you want to assign to your employees, helping the calculation of absence entitlement. There is already a England and Wales plan set up on the system, however you can also set up plans yourself.  

Please note: If you do not set up and maintain the public holiday plans each year, when an employee takes absence that falls on a bank holiday, it will reduce their entitlement. If you require bank holidays to not reduce someone's absence entitlement, you will need to set up and maintain a public holiday plan.  Once you have created your public holiday plans go to absence - work plan tab to assign them to your employees. 

Click on admin in your top menu bar and within the absence section click on administer public holidays. To create a new plan click new, to edit an existing plan click on the plan you wish to amend. 

Editing an exiting plan

When you click on an existing plan in the table a panel will open on the righthand side. 

The blue plus symbol will allow you to add additional dates, a blank field will appear, click in the field and a calendar will appear for you to select the date you require. The dustbin symbol allows you to remove any dates that you don't wish to have in the plan. When you have made the necessary changes click save. 

Please note: If you make changes to a plan, you may need to recalculate any absences on the database that use this plan. Go to recalculate absences for further help. 

If you want to delete the plan entirely click delete, but please make sure the plan has not been allocated to any employees. You will get an error message if you try to delete a plan that is in use.

Setting up a new plan

Click new in the administer public holidays plan screen, a new panel will open on the righthand side. You will have a blank field to enter the name of your plan. Then click the blue plus symbol to add the dates you require. Any dates you have entered accidentally you can use the red dustbin to delete. When you have completed setting up the plan click save at the bottom of the screen. 

Setting up a plan with no dates. 

If you wish to set up a plan to assign to employees so all bank holidays are included in the absence calculation. You will need to set up a no plan, plan with no dates allocated to it. 

Click on new, name your plan no plan, and assign no dates to this plan. Scroll down and click save. 

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