Recalculate absence

Recalculate absence

If you have made any changes to entitlement plans, work plans, or public holiday plans you will need to recalculate the absences within the system. This will reallocate entitlements for employees where applicable. 

Click on admin in your top menu bar and within the absence section click on recalculate absence. 

Selecting employees to recalculate

Using the dropdown you can choose individual employees to recalculate. Alternatively if you wish to recalculate everyone leave these dropdown on all. Then click recalculate. 

If you are doing this for all employees in the system this may take a few minutes. Please leave the system alone while it is recalculating. 

During recalculation you will see a progress bar. Once the green bar is at the end recalculation has finished. You will see the total number of employees process and confirmation that each staff number is ok. Will now see any applicable changes applied to an employees record.

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