Appraisal configuration

Appraisal configuration

Within People Manager you have the ability to configure an appraisal set up, choosing sections and instructions for each section. Once you have set up your appraisals, the managers and employees will be able to use this. 

Go to admin in the top menu and then within the appraisal section select appraisal configuration. 

Click on the link below to go to the appropriate tab you wish to review   


Sections instructions


Company values


Lookup dropdowns for this section


Here you will chose the sections you wish to have included in your appraisals. There are 2 sections that are mandatory: objectives and outcome and rating. The other sections you can choose. Simply highlight the ones you want to use in the available section panel and drag them over to the selected sections panel on the right. Once  you have chosen your sections, you can move them around to change the order by highlighting them and dragging them up or down. When you are happy with the sections and order click save.

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Sections instructions 

Using the dropdown you can select each section, and then enter instructions into each box, these instructions will show on the employee's appraisal giving them and the appraiser points on what needs to be filled out and points to think about.  Click save after updating each instruction box. 

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The email section allows you to configure the 6 email templates that go out from the system. Using the dropdown against the email type select the email template you wish to configure. 

You can change the email subject field, and the email body. We have provided mail merge options for first name, surname and days due. You can click on these and they will be added to the email body for you. Make sure you click save after each email template has been changed. 

The 6 email templates are: appraisal reminder email,  appraisal final reminder email,  appraisal feedback request,  appraisal employee completed an appraisal,  appraisal manager reviewed appraisal,  and appraisal employee submitted an appraisal.

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Company Values

Within this section you can set up your company values. Click on add company value, and a empty text box will appear. Type your company value in the text box. If you wish to delete any of these click the red delete box. When you have finished click save. 

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This section allows you to sett up the timings for your appraisals. These timings are applicable to all users appraisals, once set it will update overnight. 

Frequency - Is how often you will have your appraisals, for example if you want them every quarter you would put 3. 

Month of first appraisal - This is when the appraisals will start, you enter the name of the month. 

Due date - We have provided a tool tick here for further information. Please note this isn't a date but how many days. For example this is 27 days after the 1st January that the appraisal will be due. 

Appraisal creation date - How many days before the due date will the appraisal appear. 

Reminder - How many days before the due date do you want a reminder email to be sent out. The email template configuration is above in email section.  

Reminder on due date - This is a tick box allowing an email reminder to go out. 

Appraisal feedback request expiry - The number of days you need the feedback before the appraisal has expired. 

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Lookup dropdowns for this section

You can create, delete or edit your lookups on this page, or within the manage lookups page in admin configuration.

Use the dropdown to select either ratings or progression.

Both rating and progression lookups work in the same way. To add a new rating or progression, click add new value and type in the name you want and click save.

To edit a rating or progression, click on the rating you wish to change. You can rename and click save, alternatively you can click delete to remove. 

Here is the list of dropdown lists you can configure in this section Go to manage lookups to find out how to add or change your dropdown. 

Appraisal set up lookups 

Appraisal Configuration:
Where in People ManagerName of DropdownName within manage lookups
Appraisal configuration - lookup valuesRatingAppraisal ratings
Appraisal configuration - lookup valuesProgressionProgression

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