Email Reports

Email Reports


Use this page to email reports.



New reports to email will be shown by default at the top of the list with a checkbox to send checked.  Clicking the Send button will email all of these reports. Checkboxes may be unchecked to not email a report for the selected employee(s).

If an employee has a report with the same parameters in the history, this will not be shown in as a new emailable report.

For an employee to show on the list they must have the following on the Employee General page:

  • Email Payslip checked.

  • A work or personal email saved (work taking precedence over personal if both are entered).

Email reports with Pending, Sent or Error status are shown after new reports.  The status drop down may be changed to only show the selected status.

Deleting and Resending Reports

Email Reports may be deleted and resent on the Email Reports page when the status Sent or Error is selected.  

  1. Check the checkbox next to the report email(s) to be resent or deleted.

  2. Click the Resend or Delete button.

Overriding Email Content

The default email content may be overridden by checking the Override Content check box.

The place holder text for the subject and body gives an example of how to build in keywords to personalize emails. This can be altered as required or saved on Company > Email.