Company General

Company General


Use this page to update company options.



The Company General screen contains the primary setup information for a company within the InPay Payroll payroll system. In general, once this page has been configured it should not be changed because it could have adverse affects on other parts of the system For example, if the company is setup to use alphanumeric employee numbers, then is later changed to use numeric system generated employee numbers, errors can occur because the ability to increment an alphanumeric employee number may be impossible if it contains alpha characters.

The page is split into several sections.

Employee Details

Employee Number Type can be either Numeric or Alphanumeric. You must select Numeric if you want to use System Generated Employee Numbers. If you want to use a combination of letters and numbers in your employee number select Alphanumeric.

Employee Number Mask is used to define the appearance of the employee number. Use zeroes where you want leading zeroes. For example, if you enter an employee number of 15 when your mask is "0000" the employee number will display as "0015", but if your mask is "000000" you will get "000015".

If you check System Generated Employee Numbers the system will generate the employee numbers for you, starting from the value you enter in Employee Number Start. You must use numeric employee numbers to use this feature.

Default Employee Worker Type can be set to Salaried, Grade or Hours. The first time that this is set you will be asked if you want to set all current employee's pay type to this value.

Employee Search Format

This feature allows you to define the content and order of the employee information you want displayed in the employee search grid as well as the maximum number of records to be returned when using search facility.

To add a field, select it in Available Fields and click the right arrow. To remove a field, select it in Selected Fields and click the left arrow.

To move a field up or down the order select it in Selected Fields and click the up or down arrows.

To change maximum number of records to be displayed on the search grid enter new amount and press 'Save' button.

Company Options

No Employers NI - If this field is ticked no Employer's NI will be calculated throughout the company 

No Negative Pay From Tax - There are very odd occasions, (usually due to a P6 being entered) that results in the employee's tax deduction causing negative pay in the period. This will be picked up on the exceptions report. However ticking this box will reduce the tax deduction so it does not occur. 

Foreign Tax Relief - If this field is ticked a Company pay element for Foreign Tax Relief will be created. 

Default Email Payslip - If this field is ticked then a new starter will default to Email Payslip if an email is provided. 

Pension Payments - If a company is to pay out Pensions (rather than just making deductions) there are additional fields that require population on the RTI return, ticking this box will create another section to populate on the Employee General screen for this purpose.

CIS - Ticking this box will allow payrolls to be created to pay CIS workers.

Supplementary Runs - Tick this to enable supplementary runs to be created for a Payroll. See Supplementary Runs for more information on this topic.

Pay Back Pay with Mistimed Payment - When this is checked, starters with a start date prior to the current period with a payment beginning on their start date will have the value of their back pay added as a mistimed payment.

Use pay period as pension PRP - Some pension providers require the next pay period start and end dates to be sent, this section can be used for this. 

Allow partial imports - If unticked, any imports with failed items results in the whole import failing. This means even correct information does not import. If you allow partial imports, only the information that has errored will not be imported, any correct data will be populated.

Updated Calculation Rules - Previously if the calculation on the Workgroup -> Calculations screen was set to anything other than Working Days, (for example 260 Workings Days) the system would pro-rata the workers pay, even if they had worked a full period. This has been changed to always pay the worker's periodic sum unless they worked a partial period, in which case it will revert to the calculation selected

Require FPS Submission Before Commit - If ticked the system will check that an FPS has been sent for the payroll\pay period combination that the user is attempting to commit. If it hasn't been successfully submitted then an error will be raised and the user will be unable to commit.  

Reinstate Employees for Payments After Leaving - When this is checked, if a permanent payment or adjustment is added against a leaver then the system will automatically reinstate them on 0T W1/M1 tax code.

Cost Splitting Method - There are 5 different options for cost splitting which determine how employee payments will be split on the Pay Summary Detailed reports:

  • No cost splitting
  • Dept Percentages, deds in ratio
  • Dept Percentages, deds to home
  • Dept Virtual, deds in ratio*
  • Dept Virtual, deds in home*

* Dept Virtual, deds in ratio and Dept Virtual, deds in home refer to splitting the pay by the department passed into the Pay → Adjustment screen with the pay itself. This makes this option not relevant to permanent salaried staff. If this option is set and the payments and departments are submitted this will pro-rata the output of the Pay Summary Detailed and Nominal Mask reports, with the deductions (tax etc) either also being pro-rated or being assigned to the home department as specified on the Employee → Location screen. 

Pension Postpone - Moved to company details as of 7.6 This is the length of time that you choose to delay an employee being automatically enrolled onto a pension.

No Negative Net Pay - When this is ticked, adjustments will be added to an employee's payslip if their net pay is less that zero.

Negative Pay Pay Element - The element used to adjust the employee's payslip for No Negative Net Pay.

Auto Enrolment Pension Scheme. This is a miscellaneous field that can return the default scheme for the company to REST service consumers.  

Show Gross Up Element - The element will show any pay that has been grossed up on the payslip from pay elements marked with the NetToGross flag. Please note that this will only come into effect the next time a worker's payslip is calculated (saving this page will not recalculate the worker's payslip). 

Employee Starter Screen Format

This section allows you to define the data you want to enter on your Starter page, when adding new employees. You always have the mandatory section on the Starter page. If for instance you check the Bank Details and the Location Details checkboxes you will also get sections displayed where you can enter the employees bank and location details.


In this section you have the option of hiding some elements on employee payslips.

  • Hide Holiday on Payslip - This will remove details of holiday accrued and taken from the bottom of the payslip (please note any payments made in the period will continue to show)
  • Hide Notional Pension Elements on Payslip - Same as above but for Notional Pension Elements such as salary sacrifice contributions. 
  • Hide Notional Non Pension on Payslip - Occasionally notional elements may be used for recording ongoing values, as these do not form part of the pay calculation ticking this box will exclude them from the payslip. This does not include Notional Pension Elements such as salary sacrifice pension contributions.
  • Hide Holiday Rate and Hours - Any holiday payment will just show the amount and not the detail of how it is made up.
  • Split By Rate - Where InPay has the information it will show the Rate and Units that make up the payment
  • Show Holiday Units to 4dp. - Used to display the holiday units taken to 4d.p. on the payslips.
  • Show Pay Element Description on Payslip. Only available to InTime linked clients, where a rate name has been passed to InPay this will be shown in preference to the Pay Element Name
  • Hide Rates and Units on Payslip - Rates and Units will not be shown on the payslip. Cannot be ticked if 'Split by Rate' is used
  • Show Rate to 2dp - Displays elements to 2 decimal places on the payslips
  • Show Employee Pension YTD - Will show the EE's pension above the ER's Pension on the Payslip Viewer and Email Payslip

BACS Options

Here you can define which payments can be made via BACS. Along with the worker's wage's and monthly P32 pay over which are always available, there is also the option of paying Court Orders, Deductions and Pensions. If these tick boxes are not selected the user will not have the option to pay these through the BACS Generation screen. 

Selecting Publish allows you to send bacs files to the client portal directly from the Bacs Generation screen (this functionality is only available to Managed clients).

Selecting SFTP Upload will mean that if external SFTP details are added to the Processes → External Export screen, then a button will be available on the Bacs Control screen to export the Bacs file in the format selected to that address.

Net To Gross

This is where you can modify the behaviour of Net to Gross elements.

  • Includes Student Loans - This flag determines whether Student Loans are included when Grossing up payments. For example if the value added against a Net to Gross element was £500, the net pay would rise by £500 even if that meant a higher Student Loan deduction   
  • Includes Pensions - This flag determines whether Pensions are included when Grossing up payments. For example if the value added against a Net to Gross element was £500, the net pay would rise by £500 even if that meant a higher Pension deduction
  • Calculate Gross Payments First - This flag determines at what point in the calculation routine the Net to Gross payments are calculated. For example if this flag is not ticked, it is likely that the Net to Gross elements will use the Tax and NI free allowances in their calculation and as such will not be as beneficial to the worker. It is usual for this box to be ticked.

Company Flags

This section allows you to add flags against a company to mark if it is eligible for Custom Import set up, test, modified or terminated. If terminated the date that the company stopped being run through InPay should be entered in the termination date field. These are for reference only. The Test/Clone and Terminated flags will automatically reorder the companies within the login page and dropdown within InPay. Companies with no flag or one of the other flags selected will be first, then any companies flagged as test, and then terminated. 

Occupational Absence

This section allows you configure settings for occupational absence.

  • Pay Element - The pay element used to reduce salary when an employee is on leave.
  • Working Days - The number of working days in an employment year. Defaults to 260.
  • Daily Rate D.P - The number of decimal places to show the daily rate to. Defaults to 4.
  • Hourly Rate D.P - The number of decimal places to show the hourly rate to. Defaults to 4.

Exceptions Report

This section allows you to select what information will show on the exceptions report.

  • Starters - Reports new starters and details about their basic pay.
  • Leavers - Reports leavers and details about their basic pay.
  • Pay Limits - Reports when an employee's pay is outside the limits of their expected pay. This is based on the employees permanent payments and the limits set in Lower % Variance Limit and Upper % Variance Limit.
  • Pay Variance - Reports when an employee's net or gross pay varies from the previous period. This is based on the limits set in Lower % Variance Limit and Upper % Variance Limit.
  • Negative Pay - Reports employees whose net pay is below zero.
  • No Pay - Reports employees whose net pay is zero.
  • Duplicate Payments - Reports if an employee has more than one payment set up with the same pay element.
  • Duplicate Deductions - Reports if an employee has more than one deduction set up with the same pay element.
  • Tax Exceptions - Reports employees with a tax refund and those having tax paid as legislative maximum.
  • Date of Birth - Reports employees who do not have a date of birth entered or are of an incorrect age.
  • Email - Reports when an employee does not have an email address.
  • Tax Code - Reports employees with an incorrect Tax Code
  • NI Number - Reports employees with an incorrect NI Number.
  • NI Table Letter -  Reports employee's with an incorrect NI Table Letter.
  • Pay Element Changes - Reports when a company pay element has been added or amended.
  • Bank Detail Changes - Reports when an employee's bank details have been added, amended or deleted. This will not include starters.
  • Permanent Pay Changes - Reports when an employee's permanent payment has been added or deleted. This will not include starters.
  • RTI Exceptions - Reports when a new starter has been entered but does not have a starter statement and when an employee's ni number is temporary/not entered and they have less than two address lines.
  • System Warnings - Reports when the pension Re-assessment is due in the period.
  • Back Pay - Reports when an employee is receiving back pay.
  • Work Schedule - Reports when an employee has both an hourly and daily work schedule in the period, as a manual adjustment may be required.
  • Pension - This is solely if you use Peoples Pension. Reports when an employee has less than 3 address lines.
  • Statutory Overrides - Show all statutory overrides for the period.
  • Absence Warnings - Shows reason why SSP has not been paid to the worker in the period.
  • Lower % Variance Limit - The lower limit that is used in the Pay Limits and Pay Variance calculations.
  • Upper % Variance Limit - The upper limit that is used in the Pay Limits and Pay Variance calculations.


If you have an InTime account, this section allows you to enter your credentials to link the accounts together.

  • InTime Host - The URL of the linked InTime software
  • Holiday Accrual - If using the InTime Holiday Scheme you must set the Holiday Accrual element here so InPay can process the pay element correctly
  • Holiday Pay - If using the InTime Holiday Scheme you must set the Holiday pay element here so InPay can process the pay element correctly
  • Pension Scheme - If a default (Basic) Pension Scheme is selected here InTime will allow the Automatic Enrolment of workers through it's interface.


This section allows you to set whether the company is an academy. Once set the company will have access to the Grade functionality and be able to produce MDC files

  • Public Sector - Determines what date is used when creating a Gender Pay Gap record.
  • School No - The Company's School Number this will appear on the MDC return
  • Local Authority No - The number of the Local Authority the school belongs to.
  • Pay Element - The Pay Element that Grades will be pay against if not overridden when set against the Worker 

Payslip Portal

  • Enable Payslip Portal - Check this to enable the Payslip Portal
  • Send SSO Errors to Company Email - Email SSO login failures to the email saved on Company Details
  • Require Two Factor Authentication - Employees will be required to confirm a code sent to their email on each login
  • Hide Zero Payslips - Hide payslips with zero pay
  • Show Employer Reference - Show the employer reference on payslips
  • Hide Net Amount - Hide the net pay from the Payslip's Portal Home page. If checked, a Hide Net Pay/Show Net Pay toggle will appear on the Home page allowing the employee to either hide or show the amounts.
  • Hide First Sup Run - Hide the - 1 indicator for the first payslip if it's the only payslip that employee has, E.G. 202401 - 1 will be displayed as 202401 instead. The change will be visible on the home page, on the payslip, on the pay period dropdown, as well as when downloading the PDF report. Consecutive runs will be displayed with an appropriate supplementary run indicator. This option is enabled by default for new companies. 
  • Authentication Type - The type of logging authentication staff of the company will be required to undertake when logging in to see their payslips (examples include password only, 2 factor and time based one time password). 
  • Left User Active Days - The number of days the worker can access the Payslip Portal after leaving the company 
  • Pay Date To Live Days - This allows us to use the payslip pay date to decide when to make committed payslips available on the Payslip Portal and when to send commit emails
    • Leave this blank to ignore the pay date
    • Use 0 to make available on the pay date
    • Use a negative number for before the pay date

Payslip PPI

In this section you can add, view or delete a payslip Postal Printed Impression.

User Defined Analysis Fields

This section allows for enhanced nominal reporting.

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