Employee section

Employee section

This section will help you navigate around MyHR as an employee.  

The other pages in this section cover:

Employee login, changing & forgotten passwords

Submitting an absence & viewing calendars

Viewing & updating my details in MyHR  

Document review & acceptance

Employee appraisals

Providing peer appraisal feedback

Entering timesheets

Entering expenses

MyHR homepage

In your green menu bar, you will see Home and MyHR, if you click the Home icon wherever you are in system you will be brought back to your homepage. The MyHR menu option will take you to your personal details, for details on how to edit these go to viewing & updating my details in MyHR  .

You will also see 2 Dashboards:

My Current Requests - this will show all absences you have requested that are waiting for approval, you can also raise a new request within this dashboard. Go to submitting an absence & viewing calendars for further information.

Messages - This dashboard allows the HR team to provide you with important updates. 

In the top right-hand corner, you will see:

View Calendar - this is covered in the submitting an absence & viewing calendars section of our knowledge base. 

Your name - clicking on this will give you the option to Logout and to change your password.   

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