Manager Section

Manager Section

As an manager user you may have the ability to process all absence approvals, carry out the appraisal process and see alerts about the employees that report in to you.  You will also be able to request your own absences and update your personal details. You only need one login and you will have 1 home page, making everything easily accessible for you. 

Below is a summary of your home page to help get you started. Please note that People Manager is configurable, and you may see options in the screenshots that you do not have. If you wish to know more about these options, in the first instance speak to your admin HR team. 

Go to the employee section for further information on how to process your own requests and update details. 

Manager user home page 

Menu bar

Below provides an example of the menu headings and a brief summary of what each one is. 

Home - Wherever you are within People Manager, clicking on Home will always bring you back to your home page where you will see all your dashboards.  

MyHR - This is your section; it will hold your personal data and allow you to see you holiday and sickness entitlements. 

Employees -  This section will be dependant on what your admin team have given you access to. You may be able to view personal details such as address and contacts, contract details, and absences for employees that report into you.

Timesheets This is an additional module allowing employees to enter time and hours for their attendance. If you use this section you will be able to see your own timesheets and anyone that reports into you.

Expenses - This is an additional module allowing employees to enter their expenses. If you use this section you will be able to see your own expenses and approve any expenses for employees that report into you.

Reports - Your admin team may have given you reporting rights. You may be given access to particular reports, or be able to have full reporting rights. 


My requests to approve - This allows you as a manager to approve or reject absence requests. Go to managing absence requests for further information 

My current requests - This shows you all of your absence requests that are with your line manager and are waiting to be actioned. Go to submitting an absence & viewing calendars for further information.

On the righthand side you will have all of your manager user dashboards, depending on your configuration you will see some or all of these dashboards. These dashboards will show alerts for birthdays, leavers, and outstanding documents. 

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