Security access group

Security access group

Within this section you can select the level of access that each group can access. You can choose to give or restriction sections of People Manager, as well as choose whether those groups can edit, read or have no access to particular fields within a section. Please note: any changes you make will apply to the whole group. Please make sure that the access you are giving is appropriate for all users within the group. 

Click on admin in your top menu bar and within the security section click on security access group. Then click on the group you want to change access for, or click add to create a new access group. 

Editing an existing group 

Click on the existing group name, and a panel will open on the righthand side. 

Using the tick boxes, select or deselect the tabs and areas within People Manager you wish that group to have. If you tick the box that group will have access to that area. 

Employees - Ticking this allows users to see employee they are an approver for, they will also see the employees who report into their reports, but no other employees. 

Timesheets - If you have the timesheet option enabled, they will be able to see any timesheets for employees that report into them. 

Admin - This gives the user the admin sections, allowing them to make changes to the system. Please use caution when giving this access. 

Payroll batch entry - If you want the user group to have access to payroll batches and make changes. 

Workflow - Gives users access to the workflow section.

Reports - Allows the user to see the reporting section on People Manager. 

Additional report access - You can pick additional reports the user has access to.

Add employee - They will have the ability to add a new employee. 

All employees - This will allow a user to see all employees, past and present in the system. Please use caution when giving this access. 

Payroll submission - If you have our payroll services, or Pay Manager they will be able to submit payroll.

Expenses - If you are using our expenses module, they will be able to use this. If they have employees who report into them they will be able to approve expenses. 

Within the fields section you can restrict what a group can do. You may give them access to a particular tab, but do not want to give them the ability to edit fields, (read only) or not be able to see them at all (no access) If you leave the fields in the all fields section and they have access to that tab, they will be able to makes changes. 

You can use the search filter to help locate fields easily, or scroll using the bar to the right of the column. Click on the fields you wish to move, and drag them into the appropriate column. You can click on multiple fields and move them at the same time. 

Unit security - access to payrolls

If you wish to stop a group from seeing particular payrolls or a department within a payroll, you can click on unit security at the bottom of the page. 

Using the dropdowns you can then select the payroll period, and any of the other groups within that, click save when done. The group then will not be able to access the options you have selected. 

Additional reports

You may wish to give a group access to additional reports that are normally locked to non admin groups. To allow access, tick the option as below, scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will then be able to click on additional reports at the bottom of the screen. 

You can then select the reports you wish the group to have access to. Use the filter field or scroll bar to search, click on the reports you want them to see and drag them into the selected reports column. Click save when you are done.  

Creating a new group

Click add a new panel will open on the righthand side. Give the group a name and select the access rights you wish to give them as above, and click save. 

Applying a group to a user.

Once the group has been created, you will need to log out or refresh you page. You will then be able to see the new group you have created within the activate user options. Go to creating and resetting logins for employees to see how to activate a user. 

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