Holiday restrictions

Holiday restrictions

People Manager gives you the ability to set up periods of time where employees will not be able to book holiday. This can be 1 date (for example a company day that requires everyone to attend) Or a period of time (for example no holiday to the taken in December.) If an employee tries to book a holiday request for a restricted date, they will see a message advising that they cannot book this time. Admin users however will be able to submit holiday on behalf of an employee, even if the dates are restricted. 

From admin in the top menu bar, select holiday restrictions in the system section. You can then either use the search bar, highlight an existing holiday restriction or click new to create a new restriction. 

Creating a new holiday restriction

Click on add and a blank panel will open on the righthand side. 

Enter the name you want to apply to the restriction. 

Use the blue cross to add additional date fields and the red dustbin to remove fields that you do not require. 

Click within a date field, and the calendar will appear for you to select the date you with to restrict. All date fields added must be populated or removed if added in error before saving the record. 

Once complete, click save. Or click cancel if you do not want to keep the dates you have selected. 

Editing & deleting a holiday restriction

Click on the existing holiday restriction within the list. The panel will open on the righthand side of the screen. 

You can rename the restriction. Add or remove dates by using the blue cross or the red dustbin.

When you made the changes, click save. 

If you wish to delete the holiday restriction entirely, click delete. 

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