

Within the reporting section there is a bank of preloaded reports for you to run. These have a padlock symbol next to them and cannot be amended or deleted. Depending on your level of access, you may have the ability to create reports as well. If you do not have access to this function please contact support

Click on the link below to go to the appropriate section you wish to review 

Open an existing report

Creating a report

Filtering a report

Ordering the data in the report

Editing and deleting a report

Creating folders and moving reports

Useful reports

Open an existing report 

Go to reports within the top menu bar. You can either use the search bar and type in the name of the report you want, or click on the small triangle next to reports to expand the report list and double click on the report you wish to run. 

If the report you are running is a period based report you will have the option to enter dates, either with a calendar picker or a free text field. Other reports will allow you to select from a dropdown for specific reporting, or a free text box to enter a staff number. Hit run once you have set your parameters and your report will appear on the righthand side. 

Alternatively if the report doesn't require any parameters to be set, when you double click on the report name, it will appear on the righthand side. All reports will have the download option in the top righthand corner, this will export the report into an excel format. You can also expand the report across the screen by clicking on the 2 blue arrows in the top righthand corner of the report. If you wish to set this back to it's original view then click on the arrows again. 


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Creating a report 

Certain users will have the ability to create reports. Within the reports section right click on reports, select new, and then select report. 

On the righthand side the report options will appear. Name your report in the title field and using the table & columns field enter the type of data you want i.e., Job. You will get a list of options appear below that provide data about jobs. click and drag any of these titles you want into the column title box. You can click on the ? to bring up additional help. 

The save button is at the bottom of the screen, we would recommend you save this report as you build it. Once you have saved the report initially, the save button is replaced with an update button. Remember to click update if you have made any changes to the report before exiting the report screen. Once saved the report will show in alphabetical order in the lefthand menu. 

You can do this as many times as you need, building up a number of columns within the column titles. 

You can also move the order of the columns around by click and dragging the title within the box. If you wish to remove a title click on the dustbin. You can also choose to only show current data by ticking the box. 

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Filtering a report 

You can build in filtering options within your reports. You can choose which rows are included based on values of a particular attribute. For example, you could write a report that includes data with a filter of contract date.  You can include multiple filters and add brackets to implement more complex logic if required. Please note the column you choose to filter on, must also be chosen in the select columns data box.  

Search for the column you wish to use as a filter and drag and drop it into the filter the data section. 

You can rename the column title if you wish. You will also have the option to set parameters within the operator column. 

Within the entry type you can set a specified value yourself. When you select value specified, you will then have a box appear in the value column for you to enter required value. For example, a particular date. 

Alternatively, you can select prompt. This means the person running the report will be asked to enter a date when they run this report. Remember to click update to save any changes you have made to your report. 

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Ordering the data in the report 

You can also set the ordering of a report. Find the column you want the report to be sorted by, and drag and drop it into the order by the data section. Once the column has been added, you will see a sort field option. This will allow you to pick ascending or descending. You can do this with multiple options. Once set click update to save the details of your report. You can also run the report from here to check that it matches your requirements.

Please note: the column you choose to sort on, must also be chosen in the select columns data box.  

If you click run, to view the report. For example, below we can see the report is ordered by staff number. You will also have the ability to click download to export the data out. 

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Editing and deleting a report  

A report can be edited, renamed or deleted if it doesn't have a padlock next to it. Right click on the report you wish to amend, and select the appropriate option as shown below.

Clicking edit will provide you with the same format as above, allowing you to add columns, or change the filtering or order of the data. Click update to save any changes. 

When selecting the delete option, you will get a message at the top of the screen asking if you are sure you wish to delete, click ok to proceed, or cancel if you wish to keep the report. 

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Creating folders and moving reports 

You can create new folders and drag and drop reports (including padlocked reports) into these to help organise your report list. 

Right click on reports, click on new and then select folder. You can then name your folder. 


You can then drag and drop reports into that folder. Left click and hold on the report you want to move, and drag it to the folder you want. It will show a red cross if it cannot be placed, and a green tick if you can place it in it's new location.


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Useful report

Audit reports

Within People Manager you can run reports to look at changes within the system. Audit trail will allow you to either run a report by date, or you can add the name of a user and staff number. 

This will provide you with a comprehensive list of changes. You will see the staff number and employee name of the record item that has been changed. The email address associated with the person who made the change, along with the date and time.

If the change was an override of a previous value you will see the old and the new value columns filled in and if an effective date was put in place this will also be reflected. 

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