InPay V5.8 Release Notes

InPay V5.8 Release Notes

Statutory Bereavement  (NP-471)

New functionality has been created to pay and report bereavement leave as set out in legislation commencing April 2020. Records can be added through the Absence → Absence Details screen and reported on in the standard suite of reports. The figures will feed through to the required fields on the EPS and FPS. 

Employment Allowance Changes  (NP-472)

From April 2020 Employment Allowance can only be claimed if total qualifying employers’ (secondary) Class 1 NICs liabilities in the tax year before the year of a claim was less than £100,000. Also from April the allowance is to be operated as de minimis State aid.

Should the client still be eligible for Employments Allowance they are required to check and where appropriate tick the 5 addition boxes regarding state aid rules. These values will then feed through to the HMRC when the first EPS is created and transmitted.

Off Payroll Worker Development  (NP-480)

To support extension of the IR35 reforms to all sectors, the HMRC have introduced a marker against all workers to indicate whether they come under IR35 legislation and should be treated as 'Off Payroll'.

As some clients already have workers where the legislation applies, a Default Off Payroll flag has been added to each payroll. When clicked the user will have the option of setting all workers currently on the payroll.

Once the flag has been set against the worker the user will no longer be able to add Student Loans, Pensions, AEOs or Absences against the worker.

Payroll Benefit In Kind Changes  (NP-474)

From 2020/2021 the way you calculate a company car’s appropriate percentage is changing for car’s registered on or after 1 January 1998 with an approved CO2 emissions figure, as such the 2 new fields have been added to the Employee → Benefits screen. The 2 items are listed below

  • New data item to enable Employers to report Zero Emissions Mileage from 2020-21 (for payrolled company cars)
  • New data item to enable Employers to report Date First Registered from 2020-21 (for payrolled company cars)

2020/21 FPS and EPS Formats, 2019/20 EYU Format (NP-475)

The 2020/21 EPS and FPS formats and the 2019/20 EYU format have been added to the system

Legislative Thresholds  (NP-476)

The legislative thresholds for 2020/21 have been added to the system and can be viewed through the Company → Legislative Details screen. Please note these figures may be updated and you will be duly advised if this is the case.

Bulk Update Leavers (NP-310)

Some clients, especially agencies with temporary staff, undergo a process of making their workers leavers based on a time period where they do not work. To automate this functionality a new screen has been added Payroll → Update Leavers. This screen allows the user to choose a set number of periods that the worker has not worked, and whether to base the date of leaving on the last pay date, or set a specific date.  

Welcome Email (NP-311)

When setting up users InPay now allows for 2 emails to be sent to the new user, 1 with login details and a second email with a temporary password. They will then be required to reset there password on first login  

2019/20 P60 format (NP-478)

The P60 format for 2019/20 (4.Staturory - P60 Pre-Printed 2019/20) has been signed off by the HMRC added to the system. This format needs to be printed out on plain paper.

Holiday Calculation - 52 Week Average Rate (NP-479)

The holiday average calculation has been updated to include a 52 week reference period. This average will be calculated on workers on all InPay holiday schemes from period 202001 onwards. How the average is calculated can continue to be viewed by running the 1.Employee → Holiday Calculation Breakdown report

Previous Pay & Tax Change IMPORTANT (NP-481)

The way InPay calculates previous pay and tax has been changed for 202021. InPay will simply use the P6/P45 record with the latest effective date in its calculation.

Termination Payments (NP-474)

2 new pay elements have been added and are exclusively available through the Pay → Statutory Override screen (Termination upto Threshold and Termination over Threshold). The Termination up to threshold is non taxable and non nicable, whilst the Termination over Threshold is taxable and incurs Class1A NICs.

Other Development

Pay Date To Live Days Fix (NP-469) -  In certain circumstances this was not calculating correctly.

Group Reporting to CP - Quarterly Payrolls (NP-482) - Fix the upload to cater for the Q1 - Q4 folders

Supplementary Run Bacs Fix (NP-484) - AEOs were not being picked up on supplementary run bacs files even when selected

Nominal Exports Split Balance Sheet elements (NP-489)  - Allow pension and NI balance sheet items to be split between employer and employee.

BW017 - Pay Difference report Change (NP-491) - Include Starters

Export Sort Bug NP-466 - The exporter now always sorts dates correctly

Centralus Pension Exports (NP-465) - Added 3 new reports under 5. Pension Exports

New Lloyds Multiple BACS Payment format (NP-486)

Notify connected systems on payroll commit and rollback (NP-436) - The messages are sent to the message queue

Add logging to .Net Core services (NP-453) - This is beneficial in investigating issues

BW009 - Starter Statement change (NP-492) - Align enabling of fields on starter statement with guidance

BW011 Warning Message on Publish (NP-493)

5. Pension Export - People Pension change (NP-494) If the scheme is banded only the pensionable pay between the bands will show

Pension Enrolment Change (NP-500) - Change to stop the addition of duplicates

Remove REST service validation (NP-502) - No requirement for an email address unless Payslip Notification is required

NatWest International Payment format (NP-501) - A new payment format has been added to the Company and Payroll Bacs Parameters screen.

Allow Welsh K codes via P45 (NP-507) - The ability to add valid CK codes has been added

Additional CIPHR integration (NP-488) - The integration now includes work schedules and sickness.

Analysis of Payments Change (NP-315) - Split pension contributions by scheme

AEO Exporter Bug (NP-514) - Incorrect Description

Additional Bureau ID (NP-512) - For users of the BMAC Bacs software there is the opportunity to add a second Bureau ID, this will be used in preference to the standard bureau id when the Download FPS or the Publish FPS button is clicked in the Processing → Bacs Generation screen

Update Bacs Publishing (PP-271) - Only allow publish after Final Reports Approved task has been completed

Incorrect Bank Details (NP-522) - Although you couldn't type in non numeric bank account numbers, you could paste it into the field and InPay would allow you to save the record. This is now fixed by an error being raised upon save.

REST Services Update Payment/Deduction by ID (NP-520) - Additional methods have been added to the REST services to enhance People Manager integration

Job Import (NP-523) - The ability to import Job Details

Link Employee Bug (NP-530) - Linked Employees not loading P45 from previous employment


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