InPay V10.1 Release Notes

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We are pleased to confirm the upcoming release of InPay V10.1. This will be available to you on Monday, September 9 2024. 

Listening to our users is important to us, and therefore we hope that you find these changes useful, and they help in streamlining your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further. 

All previous release notes can be found here: InPay release notes.

Key highlights 

Improved flexibility within our pension processes: You can now generate pension submissions for periods outside the current one and make minor adjustments to non-submitted files. For more information, refer to the pension processes section.

Improvements within custom import functionality: New standard import formats and enhancements to the find and replace functionality have been introduced. For more information, refer to the custom import section.

New features

Custom import: New standard import formats in custom import, Enhancements to the find and replace functionality

Pension processes: Ability to submit pension files outside of current open period, Ability to edit non-submitted pension file

Ability to send emails upon commit for P45, P60, and pension letters

Ability to export employee work and SSP schedules

New fields added to starters report

New reporting flags for exceptions new report


Exceptions report: New exception warning about outstanding balances, New exception report warnings for NI letter V, New exception warning for missing address line, RTI exceptions for selected payroll only, Changes to section ordering in exceptions report

Improved validations: Improved validation on the absence entry screen, Improvements to standard importer validations, Improved validations for timesheet import, New error message in custom importer

Security improvements: New password strength meter, Ability to show password

New features details

Custom import

New standard import formats in custom import

Within the custom import functionality, we have introduced the following standard import formats: employee one-off payments, employee payments, employee starter, employee pensions, and employee leaver. You will not be able to change any settings or configurations for these standard formats. If a custom format with the same name already exists, such as employee payments, the existing format will be renamed to employee payments (previous).

Additionally, you can duplicate the standard import formats by using the copy button. For instance, copying the employee payments standard format will generate a version named employee payments (copy). You are free to modify this copy as needed.

Custom import

Enhancements to the find and replace functionality

We have introduced a new checkbox match entire field value to field edit under the custom import functionality. When match entire field value is selected, the system replaces only the exact match of the find value in the file. When match entire field value is not selected, the system finds and replaces both partial and exact matches within the file.

Pension processes

Ability to submit pension files outside of current open period

We have added a new step to generate pension submissions for periods outside the current open period. Now, when you click generate submission, you have the option to select the pay period for which the submission needs to be generated. The pay period can be entered as a single digit or six digits. Select 0 for the current pay period, 1 for the previous pay period, or any other valid period in the six-digit format, such as 202401. If an invalid pay period is entered, an error message will be displayed.

Ability to edit non-submitted pension file

You can now make minor edits to files prior to pension submission. You can edit some fields, such as contributions and earnings, and delete entire rows. Note that the total value will be recalculated on save after making the changes.

Ability to send emails upon commit for P45, P60, and pension letters

We have introduced the email upon commit dropdown that allows you to notify employees via email when a commit occurs and a pension letter, P45, or P60 file is ready for them to view. The dropdown is available on the company email screen under the email employees on file upload approval section.
You can choose from the following dropdown options:

  • Send email notification on commit: An email will be sent to the employee when a commit occurs, and the file is ready to be viewed.

  • Do not send notification email on commit: No email will be sent to the employee on commit, regardless of the file availability.

  • Inherit: This option will use the email on commit preference you have set for the all file types file type.



Ability to export employee work and SSP schedules

We've added two new columns - SSP schedule name and work schedule name to the employee pattern table of the exporter. It can be used to report newly added or updated work and SSP schedule names. If multiple work or SSP schedules exist, the currently active schedule will be selected and included in the export.

New fields added to starters report

We have added the following new fields to the starters report available under standard reportsemployee category: address1, address 2, address 3, town, post code, start date, department, director cumulative, starter statement, STL, and PGL.

New reporting flags for exceptions new report

We have added two new flags to the standard exceptions new report under the standard reportsemployee category: include only workers paid in period and include only tax refunds above 50% of gross pay.

  • Include only workers paid in period: This option excludes workers with no pay in the period from the report. Workers with a net pay of 0 will still be included regardless of this selection.

  • Include only tax refunds above 50% of gross pay: This option includes workers with a tax refund equal to or greater than 50% of their gross pay for that period.

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Improvement details

Exceptions report

New exception warning about outstanding balances

An exception warning has been introduced for instances where leaving employees have outstanding balances. An exception warning will be displayed under system warnings section when a leaving employee has a deduction element with a loan balance or a salary-sacrifice payment element with a reducing balance.

New exception report warnings for NI letter V

The exceptions report will display records for employees on NI letter V. Warning will be displayed for employees on NI letter V for less than 12 months, and for those being on NI letter V for equal to or greater than twelve months duration.

NI table letter option under exceptions report on company - general screen must be enabled to get the relevant NI letter V warnings on the exceptions new report.

New exception warning for missing address line

The employee exceptions report has been updated to include records of employees who have a missing address line 1 or whose address line 1 contains leading empty spaces, under the RTI exceptions section.

RTI exceptions for selected payroll only

RTI exceptions section on the exceptions new report now only reports details of employees assigned to the selected payroll. It does not report employees with RTI exceptions from other payrolls.

Changes to section ordering in exceptions report

We have moved the sections requiring immediate user attention to the top of the report. RTI exceptions and negative pay sections now appear at the top of the report.

Improved validations

Improved validation on the absence entry screen

The keep in touch days field value now accepts value as whole number and doesn’t convert entered whole number to decimal value by default.

Improvements to standard importer validations

We've made validation improvements to the standard import functionality using the employee YTD NI balances format. You can now import NI balances for an employee with duplicate pay element and amount but different NI table letters.

Improved validations for timesheet import

The system does not allow import of normal or supplementary run timesheets for employees with left status under employee -> leaver screen.

New error message in custom importer

A new error message has been added to the custom importer functionality that will appear if you assign the same field value to multiple pay elements from the employee adjustment page. The message is displayed when you edit the pay element and also when selecting a template on the import/export - custom import screen.


Security improvements

New password strength meter

A password strength meter has been added to various password change screens, such as those for changing passwords and expired passwords, to assist you in creating more secure passwords. Ideally, strong passwords should be about 20 characters long and include a mix of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as special characters.

Ability to show password

You can see the password typed using the eye icon on the password fields across the system. It reduces mistyped passwords and allows you to correct mistakes before submitting.

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