InPay V8.1 Release Notes


NP-1558 - Upper Threshold for NICs Savings

Ability to set limit on the NICs savings to employees in a salary-sacrifice pension scheme

An upper threshold can now be applied against the scheme and overridden against the employee’s record.

NP – 1773 - Custom Import -> Multiple Reference only rows

Pay Manager allows for importing multiple rows per employee from Reference fields using the Custom Import. It behaves like Employee Pay and Employee Adjustment imports.

NP – 1793 - Record Timesheet ID on sent through timesheets

Added the ability to define where the timesheet ID is specified within the timesheet rate name. Used for display on the Custom Excel Nominal Masks reports using the Timesheet Ref field.

NP – 1745 - Disallow the import of units for pay elements with rate of zero

Validation error will be shown on import via both the standard and custom importer.

NP – 1787 - NOW 11 Report Change

Changed to include all active employees within the period – both on and not on the Pension scheme.

NP – 1807 - Pay Element Groups

Pay Manager introduces new page called Pay Element Groups under company that allows user to create group of linked pay elements

  • Two groups under same company cannot have same name
  • Report named Employee>Audit Report Company includes insert, update and delete triggers of Pay Element
  • Pay Elements on the Company>Pay Elements is prevented from deletion if an element is used in a Pay Element groups

NP – 1806 - Pay as much holiday as possible instead of erroring if holiday exceeds total available

Pay manager allows user to avail only holiday left rather than erroring out. An additional parameter called ‘PayMaximumDays’ has been added to the Absence->Add and Absence->Update endpoints. Only the remaining holiday accrual balance will be used if the amount claimed exceeds what is available.  This is available through the REST services only.

NP – 1617 - Default new companies to use Nominal Masks screen

Newly created companies now get defaulted to use ‘Nominal Masks’ screen rather than the ‘Accounts’ screen.

NP – 1210 - Restrict non-RSM users from ‘Administrator’ role

For RSM Bureau clients, users can only be given the Administrator role if they have an RSM email address.

NP – 1729 - Ability to hide rate and units on payslip

Pay manager introduces a new option called ‘Hide Rates and Units on Payslip’ under payslip option on Company>General Page. this will hide all rates and units.

The following settings have been renamed for clarity

  • Show Rate on Payslip to Split by Rate 
  • Show Rate Name on Payslip  to Show Pay Element Description 

NP – 1445 - Pay Holiday Immediately in Pay manager

New holiday scheme type named Pay Immediately has been introduced. This will immediately pay the holiday based on the payments made in the current period. Rulings around rates and which pay elements are included are the same as the set up of the other schemes. 

NP – 1727 - Only deduct Pay elements if payments remain above minimum wage

A new Flag 'Protect NMW' has been added against deduction pay elements. If ticked this will mean that for workers with a pay type of Timesheet the deduction will only be taken if the worker would remain above the NMW

NP – 1735 - Import/Export across multiple payrolls

Additional field named Payroll is added to all Importer templates besides Employee>Starter. This will be used as validation and will error if the worker is on a payroll other than the one entered. Pay Manager will skip the validation if the field is left blank.

NP 1643 - Custom Importer Mistimed Payments

Importing starters with the custom importer will now add mistimed payments for back pay if this option is enabled on the Company > General screen.

NP 1723 - Import Audit Report

Future imports in both the Custom and Standard importer will now have an audit report available post-import which will detail the records that were imported into the system.

Bug Fixes

NP – 1776 - Custom Import -> Invalid Location Import

Fix to stop to import of invalid Departments, Pay Locations, Divisions, Cost Centres, Job Title and Pension Schemes on a location record.

NP – 1734 - Payslip Portal Password Reset with Linked Employees

Linked users must now use the email on their employee record on their primary company to do a payslip portal password reset.

NP – 1761 - Report Loading Indicator is not tied to download progress

Report loading indicator should stop spinning once the download icon appears in browser. This behaviour is implemented in the below mentioned pages.

  • Standard Reports > Reports Screen
  • Designer > Payslip Portal Text screen
  • Processing > Gender Pay Gap screen
  • Custom Importer (Template Download button)
  • Standard Importer (Template Download button)

NP – 1767 - No Cleardown not being disabled on DEA pay elements

Pay Manager disables ‘No Cleardown flag’ being set by a user when Pay Element with Pay Element type ‘AEO’ is created

NP – 1769 - EYFPS Pension Records not copied with end date

Pension Elements get listed on the Pay>Statutory Override screen correctly

NP – 1772 - EYFPS Delete Failure – Applied in Pay Period ID

Pay Manager successfully deletes EYFPS generated for an employee with mistimed payments on the Processing>HMRC Submission screen

NP – 1788 - Lowercase prefix in tax code breaks calculator when a mistimed payment is added

Pay Manager doesn’t throw error when mistimed payments added to an employee with lowercase prefix in tax code

NP – 1792 - FPS reports student loan plan type incorrectly

Pay Manager successfully reports loan plan type for an employee while performing FPS generation on the Processing>HMRC Submission screen

NP – 1633 - Security - Link Portal Users. Timing out with large companies

Pay Manager doesn’t throw time out for companies greater than 3000 employees on Security>Link Portal Users screen

NP – 1819 - Use of quotes in Reports > Custom Excel rows breaks custom rows

Pay Manager allows to use single quote and double quotes while adding fields in custom excel column

NP – 1746 - CIPHR API Default Tax Codes issue

Pay Manager allows user to import Employee starter declaration statement through Employee>Additional Starter importer with no errors

NP – 1799 - Payslip Portal – Password Reset for XML Companies

Pay Manager allows user to reset payslip portal password on XML companies even though email payslip option is unchecked for an employee

NP – 1814 - Payroll Automation Options missing from Audit Trail

Report named Employee->Audit Report Company should log insert, update and delete details when user performs action on Payroll automation process

NP – 1804 - Missing update triggers

Report named Employee->Audit Report Plain should log sickness pay end data details when user Occupational Sick Pay are marked with end date

NP – 1110 - Exclude Deleted Employees from Tax Code Uplift

Pay Manager excludes tax code uplift happening for deleted employees

NP – 1815 - EYFPS Employees copied as leaver even if they were later reinstated

Pay Manager generates EYFPS successfully for an employee reinstated during that tax year

NP – 1858 - Exporter converts Criteria to Wrong date format

Pay Manager allows users to export data by setting criteria for date fields in DD-MM-YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY format rather than MM-DD-YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format

NP – 1107 Validation of 0 tax codes on import

Pay Manager stops import of tax codes if the number is prefixed with 2 or more zeroes 

NP – 1818 Exception V2 Report – Work Schedule exception when employee has a work schedule after period end date

An exception will no longer incorrectly show if a worker has a valid schedule at the beginning of the period and merely changes schedule mid period