InPay V9.3 Release Notes

InPay V9.3 Release Notes

We are pleased to confirm the upcoming release of InPay V9.3. This will be available to you on by Monday 16th October. 

Listening to our users is important to us, and therefore we hope that you find these changes useful, and they help in streamlining your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further. 

All previous release notes can be found here: InPay release notes.


Custom imports: starter import to allow starter checklist; delete failed import; imported value validation; duplicate format names; characters allowed in pay element names

Exports: add option for a pdf and excel version; additional fields for pay summary current & history; pay summary current YTD & history YTD to include previous earnings; auto populate columns; pay summary tables to include national insurance elements; pay summary current - allow picking of all perm payments/deductions; leaver P45 details

Other: Nest API pay date adjustment; ability to scroll through payslip history within payslip viewer; manage users page; allow 12 week reference period for Northern Ireland holiday schemes; ability to pick employees within an EYFPS

Reports: ability to filter the employee notes report per payroll; ability to run pay summary detailed by date range for all employees

Improvement details

Custom imports  

The custom import function allows you to build an import to your requirements. For example, if you have a format from third party software, you can build the import to match the format. This helps protect your data as it minimises the need to manipulate the file before importing it into InPay. This is useful for any payrolls you are running within InPay that sit outside of your RSM InTime system.

Starter import to allow starter checklist 

The starter importer has been enhanced to allow a valid starter checklist in all circumstances. 

Delete failed import

We have added the ability to delete an import that has failed or where an issue has been discovered. If the import has been successful, there will not be a dustbin option to remove the import. 

Imported value validation

You will now see an error message, when an import has an imported value field set for a table, if there are any other fields from the same table without a field value set to link to the correct pay element.

Duplicate format names

You will now see an error message if you duplicate a format name.

Characters allowed in pay element names

For the custom imports and standard imports, you will now be able to import additional characters £,%, &, (, and ) for pay elements and pay element name fields.

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We have added additional features and further column options within our export function. Go to import/export in the top menu bar, and then export data. This function allows you to build exporters giving your greater access to the data you need. 

Add option for a pdf and excel version 

You will now be able to export your data in pdf and excel output. When you click on export, you will see the below box appear. You will see the csv, excel and pdf icons to choose from.

Additional fields for pay summary current & history 

Within pay summary and history tables, you will now be able to export the following fields: tax code, NI Letter, and NI Number.

Pay summary current YTD & history YTD to include previous earnings 

When using the YTD export tables, the following options are now available on the column dropdown: previous taxable pay, previous tax paid, current taxable pay, current tax paid.

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Auto populate columns

If you select export data type of employee, the following fields will be automatically populated within the export: employee number, surname, and forename.

Pay summary tables to include national insurance elements 

You will now be able to export the following NI elements: 1 to LEL earnings, 2 LEL to PT earnings, 3 PT to UEL, & 5 over UEL earnings. These will be available on the pay summary current, pay summary history, pay summary current YTD, & pay summary history YTD tables.

Pay summary current - allow picking of all perm payments/deductions

Within the pay summary current table, you will be able to select any payment or deduction on a permanent basis is available. Previously these were only available once in use.

Leaver P45 details

The standard report P45 pre-printed within the statutory category is now available as an export. The P45 Leaver option within the table dropdown, will allow you to produce the report as an extract with the flexibility of choosing the columns that you want. 

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Nest API pay date adjustment

If you have a nest pensions selected within the company - pension schemes screen a new section has been provided to provide payment due date. This will allow you to align pay date with the value nest are expecting. You can have 3 options to choose from:

Pay date - this is the same date as your period's pay date.

Days after period end date - when selecting this option, you can then choose the number of days up to 22 days after.

A particular day - when selecting this option, you can then choose current month or next month, and then select the number of days. 


Ability to scroll through payslip history within payslip viewer

You will now be able to scroll through an employee's payslip. When hoovering over the arrows you will see:

Forward - will scroll to the next payslip.

Step forward - will scroll to the current payslip.

Back - will scroll to the previous payslip.

Step Back - will scroll to the earliest payslip. 

You will still be able to use the dropdown and select a specific payslip.

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Manage users page

We have enhanced the performance of the security - manage users screen. You will see a faster return of the list of users. 

Allow 12-week reference period for Northern Ireland holiday schemes

We have provided a new tick box option called Northern Ireland reference period within the company holiday schemes screen. This flag can be set for all holiday scheme types except top up and pay immediately. If this flag is set, pay for last 12 weeks is used for holiday average rate calculation rather than 52 weeks.

Ability to pick employees within an EYFPS

There is now a tick box option when raising an earlier year full payment submission to pick employees. If selected, when you generate the file, you will see an options to select which employees to include. Go to HMRC Submission for full details.

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Ability to filter the employee notes report per payroll

If you use the employee - employee notes function within InPay, you have can run a report on the notes created. Within reports - standard reports under the employee category you can select employee notes. Previously you could only run this report across all payrolls. There is now a payroll dropdown option allowing you to select a particular payroll or run the report across all payrolls. 

Ability to run pay summary detailed by date range for all employees 

Within the pay category in standard reports, there is a pay summary detailed by employee in date range report. We have added the ability to select all employees, as well as running the report for individuals. You will also be able to select full details, where the pay summary details will be listed by pay period. Or total only, where the pay summary details will be listed in total with one line per employee.

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