InPay V8.6 Release Notes

InPay V8.6 Release Notes

We are pleased to confirm the upcoming release of InPay V8.6. This will be available to you on 27th February 2023. 

Listening to our users is important to us. We hope that you find these changes useful and they help in streamlining your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further. 

All previous release notes can be found here: InPay release notes.

Key highlights 

Legislative details and year end guide. We have updated all our legislative pages with the new tax year changes. We have also released our year end guide, highlighting the key processes in InPay to prepare for the new tax year. 

Additional data for importing and exporting. We have continued to expand on the data you can import and export. There is a new pension pay element table to export pension data from. Additional column options for pay dates, and the ability to import CIS starter details.

New features: 

Legislative Changes 2023/24


Reporting changes: headcount report, pay element analysisemail payslip report.

Import/export changes: employers job exporter, pension pay elements table option, sort code validation check, importing CIS employee data, pay summary current table, employee table. 

Employee location details

Reordering of flagged companies

DEA Calculations

NEST pensionserrors will show employer number, NI numbers starting with TL.

Hourly holiday scheme and negative accrual

P45s for migrated employees

Web services: holiday scheme average rate override, services username.

260 Day Pro-Rata Method & permanent payments

New features details

Legislative Changes 2023/24 

All legislative changes have been updated for the new tax year, and can now be viewed within company - legislative details. 

Please note: Our year end guide is now available to help you through the year end process within InPay. 

Improvement details

Reporting changes 

To help provide further data we have made changes to 3 of our reports within standard reports. Go to reporting - standard reports and select the relevant category and report you need. 

Employee headcount report

This report will now include the column - hourly rate. This report can be found in category 1. employee. 

Pay element analysis for multi periods  

Both multi period pay element reports will now populate values up to 104 columns of pay period data. This now means you can process reports for 2 weekly payrolls easily. These reports can be found in category 2. pay. 

Email payslip report

If you have pay elements that are longer than 40 characters, you will now see the element name continue on the line below. All unit, rate, amount and pay information associated with the pay element will align correctly. 

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Import/export changes 

We have made further enhancements to our imports, exports and custom imports within this release. Providing additional data for selection on exporting and more refined error messages for clarity when importing. 

Employees exporter  

We have included the column hourly rate within our exporter. If you select employees when creating a new exporter, and job for your table, you will now see the option of hourly rate within the column dropdown. Please see export data for further information on how you can get data out of InPay.

Pension pay elements table option

When exporting at company level, you will now have an additional table option of pension pay element. When the table is selected you will then see the following columns of data you can export. 

Sort code validation check  

When using the custom importer to import employee data, if there is invalid data within the sort code field under the employee bank table you will now see the error highlighted. The error will show when for example the sort code field is: in date format, is empty, or alphanumeric format.  

Importing CIS employee data 

We have developed a new custom importer for CIS enabled companies to add new starters and update employee information. When turning on the CIS function, within the custom import screen you will only see relevant columns for CIS workers. For example, in the employee page columns selection you will see business type, UTR and CRN. When selecting employee NI page, you will only have the option of NI number and not NI table letter. 

You will also only see the relevant formats and import history to CIS. When CIS is switched off, you will not see any CIS formats or import history within the custom import page. 

Pay summary current table 

We have added the additional columns of pay element units and pay date to the table pay summary current. You will also note, that previously the column header holiday £ would show as holiday ? once exported. This now exports as holiday £.

Employee table

Within the employee table, we have added the column full name. This allows you to have one column combining the first name and surname. You will also now be able to have a starter column which will be populated with either a Y or an N to indicate if it is a new starter or not. 

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Employee location details 

You will now see all dropdown fields within the employee: location screens are now in ascending alphanumerical order. This change applies to: division, location, department and cost centre. Go to employee in the top menu bar and location details. The options within the dropdowns can be added within the company lookup screens.

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Reordering of flagged companies

Any companies that are flagged as migrated, test or archive will now show at the bottom of the list of companies. Companies with no tick will remain the first in the dropdown list, then migrated, test and then archived. This change applies to the login page for InPay and the dropdown list once logged into InPay and for all users (access permitting.)

To change a company's flag go to company in the top menu bar, and select general. Scroll down to the company flag section on the lefthand side. Once you tick the required box scroll down to the bottom of the page and click save. 

DEA Calculations    

We have introduced new validation in line with the DEA instructions that the first deduction should not be taken until 22 days have elapsed from the date of the order. We have added the validation that if the pay period pay date is within 21 days of the date of the DEA, then the first deduction will not be taken. Please go to the government website for further information.

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NEST pensions 

Errors will show employer number

When processing pensions for NEST, you will now see the employee number against the error messages, allowing you to rectify the issues easily.

NI numbers starting with TL  

We have added additional validation for NI numbers to check the first 2 letters. This is to make sure anyone with a valid TL NI number goes through NEST submissions. 

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Hourly holiday scheme and negative accrual 

Previously when using a hourly holiday scheme, negative hours would not accrue. This will now work as expected.

P45s for migrated employees

You will now be able to provide a P45 for an employee who has left before receiving any payment within InPay but has year to date figures from a previous employment. 

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Web services 

We have made 2 changes to our RESTful webservices function. For further information on how you can use webservices to transfer data to and from InPay and other systems go to InPay Webservices. If you would like to know more about how this could help your business or have webservices enabled for you please speak to account management

Holiday scheme average rate override

You can now retrieve the data value for average holiday override using the webservice methods get, getall, and getcurrent. 

Service username  

We have updated all our methods to send the username + service when an action is insert, update or delete. If the action is a calc or commit the term service will not show. This will then show on your employee audit report plain, within reporting.

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Day Pro-Rata Method & permanent payments

260 working calculations will now work as expected for permanent payments that have had no changes. For example: an annual salary of £24,000 on a monthly payroll will be divided equally between 12 months paying £2,000. This includes any changes to a salary using the 1st of the month or a change effective from the first/last working day of the month.

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