InPay V8.2 Release Notes


Custom Import


Bug Fixes

Custom Import

NP - 1892 - Custom Import-Continuous Emp Date

Service start of an employee remains unchanged on Employee>General Details page even if service start field is not included in the custom import starter file template

NP – 1452 - Custom Import -> Add Sickness Absence as Importable Fields on Custom Importer

Employee sickness absence can be imported like standard Employee SSP importer using custom importer

NP – 1673 - Custom Import -> Variable pay - Pay elements to be recognised as pay or unit based

New checkbox named ‘Import As Units for Rated Pay Elements’ is added to Employee Adjustment table which is to import value in Amount field as units to pay manager system


NP - 921 - NEST API Integration 

Added integration with the NEST API. To use this, create a new pension or add to a current pension the new provider setting. (Substitute the Company Ref with whatever you NEST employers ID is)

This will allow you to use the Processing > Pension Process page to retrieve opt outs from this NEST employer account. You can also generate contribution submissions and send them to NEST directly through this page. Contributions sent in the same period will be taken by NEST as an update to current contributions, so any changes to payment amounts will be reflected on the NEST side once sent.

NP – 1507 - Exceptions Report to Include Statutory Overrides

Exception New Report is included with Statutory override section to include statutory override details of an employee. Checkbox named statutory override added to Company>General screen under exceptions report section to enable or disable statutory overrides in exception new report

NP – 1760 – Audit Report Plain PDF in Date and Time Ascending Order

Standard reports under employee category named Audit report plain report is enabled with date and time sort in ascending order by disabling employee number and surname sort by option

NP – 1813 BACS>Third Party payments to be sent as one transaction

Deductions grouped by pay element on BACS download

NP – 1816 New Legal & General Pension Formats

New standard report under pension exports category named Basic Joiner Pension is added

NP 1820 – Improved Logging Infrastructure

Improved logging infrastructure to assist with diagnosing support issues and auditing.

NP – 1847 Workday Integration Rounding

Annual pay captured in Fixed monetary files should get calculated using total_base_pay field

NP – 1869 Add Scheme name to the Holiday Top Up report

Top Up Holiday scheme name is captured in Employee>Holiday Top Up report

NP – 1679 Exceptions New Change

Exception New report displays employee ID against employees with duplicate NI Number and duplicate NI Number, Surname and DOB category

NP – 1860 Payment File Format  

New payment file named Wise Payment BACS is included to BACS Format

Bug Fixes

NP – 1770 Scottish Widows Pension Extract

The Scottish Widows New Report has been fixed to not show duplicate rows

NP – 1874 External Import Blank Payments

External Import file highlights with messages before download or import for the below two scenarios

  1. Employee has multiple payments with the same amount for the same pay element
  2. If a basic pay amount is sent from CIPHR that does not match the employee current amount, no update will occur unless a newer start date is entered than the current record

NP – 1917 Payslip message not saving

Payslip message on Designers>Payslip portal text page has ability to save message greater than 200 characters

NP – 1889 Group Reporting – Stuck Pending

Pay manager should be able to transfer Group Reporting files with file size greater than 6MB

NP – 1906 CIS Elements show incorrectly

CIS element availability removed from Pension and Holiday Schemes

NP – 1821 Foreign Key Error on company clone

Error has been fixed when company clone is performed with TUPE type from company with duplicate name occupational absence schemes

NP – 1877 - P32 BACS Generation throws DB Null error if tax district not supplied

P32 BACS file generation throws meaningful error rather than DB Null error if tax district details are not specified on Company>Details screen

NP – 1904 - Employee SSP Schedule importer - Object reference error when no schedule name and Employee Override issue

Message is highlighted when employee SSP standard importer is imported with schedule name is empty and employee override with value ‘N’ is set

NP - 1939 - Job title import length set higher than allowed

Highlight with message when job title field in employee starter importer format is imported with field length greater than 30 characters