Standard Reports


Use this page to generate reports. These may be viewed or printed using Acrobat, Word or Excel, if you have them installed.



Reports Categories

Key Filters/Parameters


To produce a report select the required report category and report from the dropdown list. If the report requires some filter parameters such as Payroll Number or Pay Period, the boxes to enter these will appear below the report list. The majority of reports are run at payroll level and have a similar set of parameters.

Reports Categories

  1. 1 Employee: Employee data not related to periodic pay
  2. 2 Pay: Pay reports run by period and date range
  3. 3 Payslips: Available Payslips
  4. 4 Statutory: P14, P45, P60 etc
  5. 5 Pension Exports: All available Pension reports
  6. 6 User Reports: Client specific reports (often used for auto enrolment related reports)

Key Filters/Parameters

  • Filter. Most reports with employee information in can be filtered by department or division and there is also the filter option of only showing totals by department and division. There is then the option to pick a single department or division, or pick 'all', which will result in the report being grouped as specified
  • Payroll: The payroll parameter applies to most reports, other than a few statutory reports P32, P60, etc. The payroll can be selected from the drop down list
  • Pay Period. Although a few reports are run by date range the majority are run by pay period. Note that pay periods should be entered in the format 'yyyytt' where yyyy is the tax year and tt is the period. e.g. 200710 is January 2008 on a monthly payroll. As a short cut you can select the current period by entering 0 in the field or select the last closed period by entering 1.
  • Sort By. Most reports with employee information in can be sorted by Employee No or Surname.

Once the information discussed above has been entered press the icon for how you want to produce the report. There are three options. PDF Format, Word or Excel

Excel Columns

Some reports can have the Excel output altered.

  • Headers can be renamed.
  • (Blank) columns will have the fixed value in the Text field.
  • Fields can be given a prefix and a suffix. This will prepend or append the specified values onto the field.
  • Other fields can be prepended or appended by using the {Field Name} syntax. (See the Pay Date field suffix above). This allows multiple fields to be output in the same column.

  • Drag columns to reorder.