Pay and bill

The following page is for RSM Pay and bill clients only.  Software only clients, please visit our software help documentation here.



Timesheet margin report introduction

Margin reporting is an important metric for any recruitment Agency.  InTime’s timesheet margin report allows you to see the difference between your sales and costs.

As recruitment agencies differ in their reporting requirements, InTime’s timesheet margin report provides you with a number of configurable options that can be tailored and saved for later use.

This guide will provide you with some instructions as a starting point to run a basic pay and bill timesheet margin report.


Timesheet margin report summary instructions


Quick start instructions

This section will provide summary instructions on how to quickly run the timesheet margin report from InTime.  Please review the entire document for full details on each criteria option and calculation method.


Step 1.                 Navigate to Reports > Margin Report

Step 2.                 Click on the “Saved Reports” and choose the “Default Margin Layout” report

Step 3.                 Enter the pay frequencies you want to filter from the main tab.

Step 4.                 Enter the payroll reference under “ID/Ref Ranges” tab > “Payroll Reference” field


                           Enter the exported date range through the “Date Ranges” tab > “Exported Date” field

Step 5.                 Click “Gross Margin


The default timesheet margin report

Pay and bill clients will have access to a pre-configured default margin saved report.

To run a default margin, please follow the steps below:

Through the menu option, navigate to:

  • Reports > Margin Report

  • Select the “Saved Report” tab

  • Click on the “Default Margin Layout” report from the saved list

Depending on your requirements, populate the filter options listed below.


Payroll frequencies

If you have multiple payroll frequencies (i.e. weekly and monthly), you will need to ensure that you have only included those frequencies in your report.  Frequencies can be updated by:

  • Clicking on the “Main Filters” tab.

  • Ensure the frequencies you want to include in the report are selected.

Date ranges or payroll ref ranges

There aren’t defined closed periods within InTime.  This allows flexibility when running reports over a bespoke date rate.

To run a timesheet margin report for a specific payroll period you will need to enter the appropriate date or payroll ref ranges.

Using Payroll reference (see below to run based on dates)

Once the pay and bill team begin processing your payroll for a given period, a “payroll reference” will be assigned to all the timesheets included within that payroll and mark them with an “Exported” status.  The “Exported” status indicates the timesheet has been processed for payment.

The payroll reference is applied to timesheets in the following format:

  • Tax Year followed by the Tax Week/Month (for example: 202301).

To run the timesheet margin report by the payroll period the timesheet were processed in, you must enter the payroll period into the field shown below.  If you are unsure which period, you should be entering, please consult your pay and bill contact.


Using Date Ranges

Timesheets processed through a given payroll will be timestamped with an exported date and have the “Export” status applied.

To run a margin analysis for a particular period using dates rather than the payroll reference, it is strongly recommended that you use the “Exported Date” field shown below.

Set the export date range to cover the entire week of the timesheet margin period you want to view.  The dates you set in the date field will return all timesheets processed for payment within that period.

Generating the report

After applying the correct payroll period, payroll reference or dates as per the points above, the report can be generated by clicking on the “Gross Margin” button.

The report results

A list of timesheets will be displayed in the results table.  The basic margin will output a single row for each separate rate applied to the timesheet (i.e. Standard Rate, Overtime Rate etc).

The timesheet margin report will highlight rows based on the margin percentage.

  • 5% and below - items are coloured red

  • Between 5% and 10% items are coloured lilac

  • Between 25% and 50% items are colour lilac

  • 50% and above - items are coloured green

Holiday calculation displayed on the report

The holiday amounts displayed in the report are estimated accrual values rather than holiday actually paid out to the worker.  For reporting purposes, the holiday amount is calculated by taking the pay and multiplying the value by the rate of accrual set on the worker or placement record (i.e. a worker paid £100 and accrues at 28 days per year would have a holiday value of £12.07).

The results can be extracted to Excel by clicking the CSV button. 


Basic timesheet margin (Things to note)

Employer costs not visible for PAYE workers

Employer costs for PAYE workers become visible against timesheets once the current payroll period has been closed.  The payroll period is usually closed the day before pay day.  We would therefore recommend running the report on pay day to ensure the employer costs have been factored in.  You may choose to run this earlier to provide an early indication of your margin, however you should be aware that this is subject to change until the employer costs have been synchronised.


Using Payroll reference (excluding adjustments).

It is important to note that whilst using the payroll reference criteria, the timesheet margin report will only return results relating to timesheet processed within that pay and bill run.  This will exclude any ad hoc adjustments or credit notes.  To ensure that these adjustments are included in your report, we strongly recommend that you use the export date range field instead (see the using date ranges section).


Other post timesheet adjustments (Non recoverable items)

These are often adjustment made direct to a PAYE workers payslip, and as a result no timesheet is processed for that payment.  This includes items such as sick pay. Therefore, these costs are not included in the timesheet margin report.


Employer national insurance calculated for holiday pay

There are 2 configuration options for the basic timesheet margin report.  Option 1 shown below is the default configuration.  Please contact our support team if you would like to update your calculation method to option 2.

Option 1 – Employer costs calculated for holiday when taken

Employer costs for actual holiday pay taken will be calculated in the payroll period the holiday pay is processed on the workers payslip.  The employer costs are then included within any timesheets processed alongside the holiday paid in that period.

A sample below shows you how this would look (the actual employer costs are not accurate on the below, it is more to illustrate how this scenario would impact the margin report).




Holiday Accrued (12.07%)



Total Pay

Total Charge


Holiday taken



























Yes (24.14)


In the case of the above, holiday was taken in week three.  As a result, the employer costs on the payslip were calculated higher and applied to the timesheets processed through that payroll.  This means in certain periods; timesheets may have a lower-than-expected margin, on the flip side the margin was slightly higher for the weeks following up to the holiday pay.

If a worker’s payslip includes holiday pay only (no timesheets), the employer costs calculated on the holiday processed for that period will be excluded from the timesheet margin altogether.

Option 2 – Employer costs for holiday pay estimated


InTime can be configured to include an estimate for the employer costs on the holiday pay accrued against timesheets.

To give an example of how this would work.  The margin report would include two new fields, Holiday ERNI, Holiday Pension which would reduce the margin by those values.

These fields are estimated as holiday hasn’t yet been taken.  The default values for these fields are listed below and would be calculated against the holiday amount (these percentages can be amended to suit your requirements):

Holiday Er’NI                 13.8%

Holiday Pension            3%


The benefits of using the estimated holiday employer costs are:

  • ERNI should remain more consistent and exclude huge dips when ERNI is calculated on holiday when it is taken.

  • Missing ERNI holiday values where a worker has not submitted a timesheet as they have taken full weeks leave.

Tailoring the margin report (advanced)

The layout of the margin report can be tailored to suit your needs.  More information can be viewed through our online help page here.



Who do I contact if I have a payroll question or need to speak to someone?

Your pay and bill executive contact can be contacted on the details below: