InPay V5.5 Release Notes


Back Pay Calculation

The calculation of backpay has been significantly enhanced in a number of areas

1. Automatic mistimed payment allocation for Starters 

If selected on the Company ->General screen and a worker has a start date prior to the start of the period, InPay will apportion this part of the payment to the earlier period and calculate the National Insurance contributions accordingly

2. Pay back pay against a specific element 

Selection of a Back Pay element has been added. This will automatically split pay between the elements on the payslip

3 End payments prior to the current period

 Payments can now be ended prior to pay period start date, allowing the seamless addition of backdated pay increases.

Payslip Publish Enhancements

A button has been added to the Payroll Process screen to publish payslips to the Payslip Portal, enabling payslips to be published prior to commit. Please be aware that the standard process is still to commit the payroll, however on occasions where there may be a requirement to create a supplementary pay run this functionality can be used.

To enable this functionality Supplementary Runs must be selected under Company Options of the Company → General screen together with Enable Payslip Portal in the Payslip Portal section of the screen.

Once selected the button will be available as below

The payslips can subsequently be suppressed with the Suppress Payslips button.

Supplementary Run changes

There have been a number of changes to the supplementary run process, please see the up to date documentation here Supplementary Runs

Additional Supplementary Run Reports

The Analysis of Payments and Exceptions New reports can now be run for Supplementary runs.

P32 Adjustments

The P32 Adjustments screen has been completely rewritten to allow adjustment to all fields on the P32. The adjustments will be combined with the values from the InPay payslips to calculate the totals.

The functionality will enable the production of a full year P32 YTD for migrated clients

Populate BACS Date 

InPay will set the BACS Date, upon selection of the payroll on the Processing -> BACS Generation screen, to the working day prior to the BACS date.

Group Reporting Enhancements

A button has been added to the Reports page in InPay to enable the sending of reports directly to the Client Portal Document Centre. The naming convention for any reports sent to the Client Portal has also be simplified

Once clicked the file will show in the correct pay period in the Client Portal Documents centre

Showing of Error Messages

Error messages will now be removed from the page on row or button click.

SMS On Commit

SMS messages can be sent on commit if the client has a Textlocal account.

Benefit In Kind Offset

These will now show on payslip unless Hide Notional Elements on Payslip is ticked in the Payslip section of the Company → General screen

Show Loan Balance Remaining on Payslip

The balance remaining of any loan will now show in the second column of the deductions on the payslip. This will be in place of the YTD value. The change will also impact previous payslips.

Minor Fixes / Enhancements

  • Email Payslip flag on Basic Import fix
  • "- HMRC" to show on audit report if change updated from HMRC screen
  • Salary Sacrifice NI saving added to Pay Summary Detailed report
  • Postgraduate Loan YTD added to Employee Take On spreadsheet
  • Pay Element factor, allow 4dp for negative values
  • Importer end new payments/deductions for leavers on end dates
  • Paternity edit display bug
  • Teachers MDC address change
  •  New Aegon Pension formats
  • Scottish Widows extract address truncation
  • Pay Elements ordering bug fix
  • SSO Email logon failures
  • App Levy and Employment Allowance added to Sage Line 50 export
  • Year End Leavers YTD bug
  • 3 day SSP schedule, 0.33 days overpayment in certain scenarios bug
  • Uplift of Scottish Arrestment order rates
  • Exceptions New report additions for multiple permanent payments\deductions