Release 7.6


Custom Import

Custom import formats can be created to import client CSV files with little to no changes. Columns can be in any order with any name. Formats are available for all companies on your customer code. For more details see the Custom Import Help Page.

The following updates have been made for this release:

  1. NP-1555 - Custom Importer - Coded Imports
    1. Allow imports to contain multiple rows with the same employee number if the import only contains fields from the Employee Adjustment or Employee Pay pages.
  2. NP- 1568 - Custom Import - Add ExternalId
    1. Added external id to the employee page on the custom importer and to the other details section for the employee general and employee starter pages.
  3. NP-1585 - Add ability to Custom Import Student Loans/PG Loans

    1. Added the Employee Student Loans page to the custom importer.

  4. NP-1623 - Custom Importer - Validate Workgroup

    1. If a workgroup is provided in an import and doesn't match the employees current workgroup, an error will show for the employee row.

NP-1401 - Withhold tax relief for workers without NI Number

Effective for all payrolls starting in 2022 tax year - Workers that do not have an NI Number (or have a populated value starting with a TM or TN) should not receive tax relief on their pension. InPay has been amended so that Relief at Source schemes marked as Net of BR Tax will deduct the full 100% contribution value, where there is no NI Number. In order for this not to cause changes to payrolls currently in mid cycle, it has been agreed that the that this calculation change will take place from the start of the 2022/23 tax year. In certain circumstances a background flag can be set to allow this calculation change to come into effect in immediately

NP-1503 - Report Groups

Report groups can be created (Reporting - Report Groups) to allow the following reports to be filtered by any combination of department, division and pay location:

  • Payslip Pre/Post Tax
  • Email Payslip
  • Payslip Z-fold Format 2 V2
  • Payslip Overview
  • Payslip Custom
  • Pay Summary Detailed Plain Bespoke

The run type By Report Group allows filtering by report group.

NP-1580 - Auto Enrolment Enhancements

Auto Enrolment settings have been moved to the Company Details page. Users now need to set the Auto Enrolment settings to valid values or tick the box "AE Not Applicable"

NP-1589 - SSP Average Weekly Earnings changes

A change has been made so that any AWE Override entered into the system will be applied to any future linked period (unless that itself is overridden). A second addition has been made which allows the AWE Override value to be imported via the Employee SSP importer.

NP-1595 - Legislative Payslip Message 

As per the HMRC recommendation the following payslip message '1.25% uplift in NICs funds NHS, health & social care' has been added to all payslips for the 2022/23 financial year.

NP-1605 - New Minimum Report Functionality 

Additional functionality added to existing report (2. Pay → National Minimum Wage V2) to allow the tracking of National Minimum Wage requirements for Timesheet employees.

Pay elements that will be used in the reports calculations must have a selected National Minimum Wage Type in Company → Pay Elements

NP-1607 - NI Letter Validation

NI letters will no longer be validated if the employee has a leave date before the pay date of the current period. This will allow past leavers to be added to companies where their NI Table letter is invalid at the current date. E.g. M for over 21s.

NP-1620 - Employee Analysis Codes - Maximum characters

The maximum length of the employee analysis codes (Employee - General Details) has been increased from 20 to 40.

Minor Development

NP-376 - Option to hide Notional Pension only - New option on company general that allows for notional pension contributions to be hidden. This works alongside the standard Hide Notional Elements option which now works for non pension elements only.

NP- 593 - Remove ability to reset payslip portal passwords - Inpay users will no longer be able to change a current payslip portal users password. Payslip portal users will now have to use the forgotten password link.

NP-1321 - Custom Ledger Reports - Three new ledger reports on the Client Portal. Can be found under Financial Reports.

NP-1539 - JavaScript Libraries - Updated out of date libraries.

NP-1540 - Username Enumeration - Password Reset requests no longer offer the ability to enter a code when sent an email and users must use the link provided to reset their password.

NP-1541 - Amendment to external company custom payslip

NP-1590, NP-1593, NP-1602 - Nominal journals including enhancements to the custom report export functionality.

NP-1603 - Enhance dream journal to use nominal masks and more splitting options such as Sales Department, Sales Cost Centre and Consultant.

NP-1606 - Pay Element Analysis Multi-Period now includes all pension elements and some select system elements.

NP-1610 - Change to Micro journal to exclude contra rows.

NP-1627 -  Faster Payment BACS Format - additional format added.

Bug Fixes

NP-1421 - Calculator Error from Deleted Work Schedule - Some users who were on an Occupational Absence maternity scheme but had a work schedule starting later than their join date was causing the calculator to calculate them with 0 working days.

NP-1523 - Custom Import empty columns - Fixed issues where empty columns of a CSV file would cause an error as "" is the same as "". Now, empty columns are culled as long as the CSV is uploaded with headers.

NP-1591 - Employee Absence NULL Date Entry - Fixed an issue where not entering a sickness start date would cause a DB null error.

NP-1586 - Reinstating employees is not triggering calculator - the calculator is now triggered immediately after reinstating an employee.

NP-1587 - Mistimed Payment for timesheet batches - Fixed an issue where mistimed payments were not being issued when timesheets were sent in batches.

NP-1594 - Fixed an issue where previous tax paid was not being included on the Payment Analysis report for supplementary runs.

NP-1596 - Aged Debtors Reports - Export CSV shows hidden columns - Exporting the Aged Debtors report was erroneously showing duplicated columns for the new functionality of being able to age by due date. 

NP-1597  - Payroll admins not being sent email notifications - Documents being sent to the Client Portal from InPay Group Reporting wasn't sending out notification emails.

NP-1608 - Updating a company name will now be reflected in the Group Reporting and Client Portal payroll lists.

NP-1613 - Custom daily payslip not loading on Payslip Portal.

NP-1614 - Fixed an issue where timesheet rates were not coming through when specified on the Pay > Pay Element Rates screen.

NP-1624 - Fixed an issue where a work schedule was not given an end date in the database when a new one was inserted through the importer.

NP-1626 - Pay Elements that are assigned to a holiday scheme can no longer be deleted.

NP-1627 - Password Reset and Forgotten UserName emails are not picked up by the email service unless the employee has Email Payslip ticked - Added an exception for emails for: password reset, forgotten username, Stage Two Verify, Registration, Failed Login, and Temporary password.