InPay V7.4 Release Notes


NP-903 Allow overriding of Auto Enrolment pay reference period

Pension auto enrolment legislation states that the reference period for assessing worker eligibility, should in most circumstances be based on the pay period the pay date falls into. This leads to a different reference period for auto enrolment purposes to that shown on the payslip wherever a payroll is paid in arrears. An option has been added to align the pay periods.


NP-1040 Weekly NI option for Payment after Leaving

An option has been added, to set the National Insurance frequency to weekly when a worker is re-instated for payment after leaving.

If the company option is set to automatically re-instate for payment after leaving, there is also an option to set what the default NI frequency should be 


NP-1397 Bespoke Payslip Design

A new payslip format has been added 3. Payslips - Payslip Custom together with a new page (Designers → Payslip Designer) where custom options like the background colour and what fields to show, can be set. There is also the option for this to be the pdf download document in the Payslip Portal

NP-1401 - Withhold tax relief for workers without NI Number

Workers that do not have an NI Number (or have a populated value starting with a TM or TN) should not receive tax relief on their pension. InPay has been amended so that Relief at Source schemes marked as Net of BR Tax will deduct the full 100% contribution value, where there is no NI Number. In order for this not to cause changes to payrolls currently in mid cycle, it has been agreed that the that this calculation change will take place from the start of the 2022/23 tax year. In certain circumstances a background flag can be set to allow this calculation change to come into effect in immediately

NP-1471 Allow Partial Import on Importer 

The import functionality has been enhanced to allow the partial import of a file, where certain rows in the file fail validation. The flag to allow partial imports can be set on the Company → General screen

This will mean that an error like the following will be shown where only some rows have been successfully imported

Upon clicking Messages an option will be available to download just the erroneous rows, so they can be edited and re-imported

Other Development

NP-1228 - Display employee location, department and division on import error download.

NP-1239 - Show leaving date on 1. Employee - Attachment of Earnings New report. 

NP-1231 - Additional option to include all payments on the 2. Pay → Pay Method report. This will show any court orders, pensions and deductions with bank details held against them. 

NP-1232 - New report 1. Employee - Employee Headcount

NP-1233 - Basic Pension Report to include date range option - A new report has been added named 5.Pension Exports - Basic Pension by Date range. This allows the user to run the standard Basic Pension report over a number of pay periods, with the results amalgamated 

NP-1264 - See partial imports

NP-1269 - New report 1.Employee - Covid sickness list (Reasons including the phrase 'covid' or 'corona')

NP-1292 - Aviva Joiner Report Bug - A worker will now show on the Joiner report even if they were entered into the system retrospectively and did not have a payslip for the period in question

NP-1293 - Importer not transactional - Under certain circumstances the importer could fail mid import and be partially imported, this  has now been fixed

NP-1325 - Payslip Portal Password Reset bug for linked employees.

NP-1351  - Custom Importer - Permanent pay warnings

NP-1364 - Client Portal improved error reporting

NP-1366 - Payslip Portal password reset enhancement 

NP-1398 - Custom Importer ignoring entire row error 

NP-1405 - Dream Nominal Export - A new export has been created for upload into Dream Accounting software

NP-1407 - CIPHR - Hours per day work Schedule bug

NP-1408 - HR Toolkit Banner Update October 2021 (CP)

NP-1417 - Analysis of Payments report change - Addition of court orders in deductions section

NP-1419 - Age Debtors Report Change (CP)

NP-1421 - Calculator Error from Deleted Work Schedule

NP-1422 - Custom Partial Importer > Leavers stopping Import bug

NP-1425 - External Import - Ignore Current Basic Pay for Hourly workers

NP-1431 - Payslip Portal Password Expired not getting redirected

NP-1432 - Two Factor Authentication - Password Expiry change

NP-1437 - Web Services - DBNull Error when InTime sending Employee when pay period is not set for payroll

NP-1439 - XML Payslip - Mid Year Starters data population

NP-1440 - New Pay Element Analysis Report

NP-1444  - Add IP logging to payslip portal password reset requests

NP-1453 - Incorrect amount on Payslip against pay element on Sup Run - This could occur under very limited scenarios and is now fixed

NP-1457 - Users Unable to be Linked on Linked Server

NP-1459 - Nominal Export Exact - Duplicate Records when multiple placements

NP-1460 - Pension API - Non Eligible worker showing as Eligible

NP-1462 - Disallow Bacs Publish Duplication

NP-1464 - Inconsistent pay dates on payslip portal home screen - This could occur when a worker is linked to multiple companies and has now been fixed

 NP-1467- Document Centre - Documents with no uploading user defined are not shown as new.

NP-1468 - Starter Declaration Postgraduate Loan Fields Not Clearing.

NP-1469 - Client Portal - Show Notification to All Users with a Payroll Service.

NP-1470 - CIPHR External Import - Unable to download file.

NP-1474 - Client Portal - Notifications

NP-1492 - State Pension Age Using Start Date of Period