InPay V5.1 Release Notes


  • New Look and Feel  
  • Department Splits
  • Exception Reporting
  • AEO Re-use of Pay Elements
  • BACS of Individual Deductions

New Look and Feel  

This feature is easy to switch to and from, simply click on the New Look option on your menu.

The screens/fields are the same in the new look as they are in the old. Using the new look will however make navigation easier and tie in the current InTime look and feel.

Once in the new style you can easily switch back to the Old Look.

InPay new look

Please do take the time to familiarise yourself with the new look and feel, and please give us your feedback, we hope you agree that it brings benefits to all users and is easy to navigate around.

Department Splits

Employee/Location Details 


InPay's reporting capability has been significantly enhanced by the introduction of % splits by Department. The change allows the core Pay Summary, Pay Analysis and Payroll Journal reports to be split across Department at worker level. The old Department field has been renamed Department Home, any worker that has multiple Department splits attached must have a home department.  

An option list has been added to the Company → General screen to set whichever Cost Slitting Method you would like.


The Employee Starter and Employee Location importers have also been changed to allow the import of Department Splits, as has the Flat File macro for validating starters.

Exception Reporting

A new section has been added to the Company → General screen and a new Exceptions Report 1. Employee - Exceptions New, has been added. This allows the user to specify which exceptions the report should show. Upon running the report there are also options available to display empty sections and to split the report into separate pages


AEO Re-use of Pay Elements

A change has been made so that a pay element can be re-used against the same worker once the previous AEO has ceased

BACS Payment of Individual Deductions

When paying Deductions or Salary Sacrifice Pay Elements through BACS the ability to select which items are applicable has been added  

Pay Summary Detailed Reports

The set of pay summary detailed reports have been changed to flow from gross to net pay.

GDPR Reporting

With GDPR legislation coming into play shortly we have been developing InPay to help you with your GDPR requirements. This will allow you to download a report (Employee -> GDPR Details) which will allow you to provide your employee with the details you hold for them.  

Self-Service Payslip Portal

From the 25 May further GDPR legislation suggests that you should not be emailing payslips that are not password protected. While you may be using InTime to allow workers to securely access and download their payslip, you also have the option to use our Self-Service Payslip Portal.  Please review the pages below for further information on this.

Company Email

Payslip Portal Text

Self Service Payslip Portal