InPay V5.9 Release Notes


Virtual Components (NP-544)

The ability to allow individual payments to be allocated to a department has been added.

This allows entry of the Department through the Pay → Adjustments screen, the InPay importer and the InPay REST Services

If show rate on payslip is selected on the Company General screen the details will show separately on the payslip

Two Additional Cost Split Methods have been added to the Company → General screen which allow the splitting of the components on the Pay Summary Detailed report and the 6. User Reports → Nominal Export Masks.

Absence Schedules (NP-521)

The ability to download absence schedules for SPP, SHPP, and SPBP has been added.

HMRC Data Retrieve Change (NP-543)

The ability to match an employee to unmatched records on the HMRC Data Retrieve screen has been added. This can be accessed by double-clicking the unmatched record.


Other Development

Issue caused by time part in dates (NP-378) -  Times other than midnight have been set for Date of Joining and Service Start date, this has had a knock on effect when the dates are used for comparison purposes The change is to ensure all dates are set to midnight so the time part becomes redundant.

Check Payroll Reports Approved On Bacs Publish (NP-539) - This is part of the BACs automation has been developed and is currently in Test

Leumi Bacs Format (NP-526) - A new payment format for Leumi Bank

Company Pay Search Bug (NP-528) - Under certain circumstances the search results were not accurate, this has been fixed

Employment Allowance Increase (NP-531) - A patch has been added to ensure that Employment Allowance is set at £4000 for 2020

Timesheet Import CIPHR (NP-535) - Enhanced CIPHR integration

REST API Return record ID upon Insert (NP-536) - This has been added for both Insert and Update

Basic Importer Download Bug (NP-538) - The column ordering which was incorrect has now been fixed

InTime Pay Summary Report (NP-542) - A new pay summary report including additional column showing only the data that has been sent from InTime 

InTime Holiday Reconciliation Report (NP-546) - A new report to reconcile holiday between InTime and InPay has been added

Nominal Mask Enhancements  (NP-537) - Enhancements including the ability to set the Mask to employee level

Employee Pay Details Report (NP-534) - A new pay detail report with information regarding worker pay type, salary and contracted hours.

P45 Enhancement (NP-263) - If a worker has a leaver date in the previous financial year, but has pay in the year after, create the P45 with the subsequent year's figures

NMW V2 Report Change (NP-547) - Include Worker Type Hourly

SSP Importer: Add Reason (NP-549) - Added the 'Reason' column to the SSP importer.

Check Process List on Commit (NP-447) - Added an additional check to ensure there are no workers processing when committing a payroll.

Add Postgraduate Loan to Data Retrieve Exporter (NP-497) - Allowed Postgraduate loans to be identified when exporting the HMRC Type column.

Incorrect Payslip Descriptor (NP-533) - Under certain circumstances a payment breakdown could show on a payslip where the payment method was not BACS. This has been resolved.

Employment Allowance Validation (NP-555) - Added validation to the Employment Allowance selection to ensure a sector statement is also selected.

Starter Importer: Invalid Date of Birth Error (NP-557) - Added further validation to the importer to better handle invalid dates of birth.

Default Tax Code (NP-559) - New starters now default to the 0T week1/month1 tax code when no P45, starter declaration or tax details are provided.

Timesheet Input/Control Error Message (NP-544) - Fixed error message quickly disappearing when attempting to download an empty timesheet.

InPay/InTime Timesheet Enhancements (NP-328) - Added REST web service endpoint to delete a timesheet from an uncommitted payroll. Added ping back when a timesheet entry is deleted from the InTime Timesheets screen within InPay.

HMRC Data Retrieval Bug (NP-552) - Fixed bug that previously could miss notifications when the database was unavailable 

Starter Import Column (NP-560) - Addition of Hourly Rate, to be used with workers of Pay Type Hourly 

Import Change (NP-566)  - Hide MDC Import from the import screen  

Payslip Portal (NP-564) - Under certain circumstances the P45 would show as blank through the Payslip Portal when the employee had been linked to multiple records

Recalculate Calculated Rates (NP-556) - Recalculate calculated rates on adjustments when an employee job record is changed.

REST API Changes (NP-553) - Various changes have been made to enhance the REST webservices. Person: include job title and add ability to soft delete a person (only for starters). Bank: ability to add, update and delete bank details. Employee Basic: update email address and method of payment. Address: ability to add and update address.

Add Class 1A NICs to RTI Reports (NP-569) - Class 1A National Insurance Contributions for the current period and the year to date are now available to view on the RTI Submission reports.

Bank Account Details on Payslip (NP-420) - Under certain circumstances the payment breakdown on a payslip would show the net pay for every row as opposed to the amount detailed in the BACS file.

Company Pay Elements Factor Validation (NP-572) - A factor must now be supplied when saving a pay element with a rate type of Hourly or Daily