InPay V6.2 Release Notes

InPay V6.2 Release Notes


Hour based work plans (NP-545)

The ability to have work schedules based on hours rather than days has been added.

A new Hourly tick-box has been added to the Company > Work Schedules and Employee > Work Schedules screens.

A schedule can now have a set number of hours for each day. Both single and multi-week schedules can be hourly.

An hourly schedule can be overridden when assigned to an employee using the Employee > Work Schedule screen.

Once a schedule is assigned to an employee, any changes in the employee's pay will be calculated in the background.

Hourly Schedules do not apply to SSP Schedules. Copying an hourly schedule to a SSP schedule will use the days where hours are greater than 0.

Hourly Schedules can also be created with the Importer using the Starter and Employee Work Schedule import formats. Instead of passing in NYYYYYN to represent a week, the individual hours for each day can be passed in. The system will automatically detect that this is an hourly schedule and act accordingly.

BW036 negative net pay carry forward  (NP-747)

In some instances, a company does not want an employee to receive negative net pay. In these cases we need to adjust the payslip and reduce by the respective amount in the next period.

A new field has been added to the Company > General page. When this is ticked, you will see a drop down list that enables you to select a pay element. These pay elements are payments that are non-niable and non-taxable.

If an employee's net pay is less than zero, an adjustment for the selected pay element will be added to the current period to get the net pay to zero. 

When you commit through to the next period you will see a negative adjustment has been added to the Pay > Adjustments page and on the payslip.

Read-only role (NP-750)

A new 'Read Only' role has been added for users. 

This role gives a user access to a restricted set of pages with limited ability on each page. The user will see all fields disabled and have no ability to save or delete any data. Certain functions will still be available to them such as selection of data rows and running reports.

Other Development

Workday Improvements (NP-655) - For certain elements, compare new records to existing data to prevent the same record being added. Made the messages that are output to the user more informative. 

Aviva Pension Reports by Month (NP-664) - A new report that can be run per month to allow weekly payrolls to be consolidated into one report.

Add division to nominal mask - Advanced Learning (NP-693) – Allow divisions to be used as part of the Nominal Mask set up. The value to be used in the mask is "V".

Add initial company to Group Reporting/Client Portal (NP-714) - When a company is created, add the initial payroll to Group Reporting.

Blue Menus (NP-744) - Stop the text in the menus unintentionally turning blue.

Add apprenticeship levy to sage 200 report (NP-745)

Pension Letter report - add department (NP-768) - added a column for department to the Pension Exports > Pension Letters report.

Standard Life Contributions Export change (NP-771) - Use pensionable pay when the qualifying options flag is not set against the pension scheme.

Shared Parental Leave DB Null error (NP-773)

Payslip Portal - Cannot register or reset password when company is set to cc email (NP-776) - Bug fix.

Automation enhancements (NP-777)

New Bespoke Aegon Report (Aegon Pension V2) (NP-778)

2nd New Bespoke Aegon Report (Aegon Pension V3) (NP-781)

Filtering Pay Summary Detailed Plain Reports (NP-782) - Fixed a bug that was preventing the report being filtered.

Amendment to Nominal Reporting for absence and absence reclaim* (NP-783)

SFTP Payslip Export - New naming format (NP-784) - Added a new date format to the naming convention options  - Pay Date (YYYYMMDD).

Pay element analysis multi period bug (NP-785) - A fix for when 0 is entered for period from and for period to.

CIS Payslip bug on Supplementary runs (NP-786) - Added in a missing field.

Virtual components divide by zero error (NP-787)

Updated REST Services and Documentation (NP-790)

Remove User Manager Full Name (NP-792) - No longer show the full name on the user manager screen.

Optimisation of new worker paid functionality (NP-793) - Improve performance of procedures.

NEST contributions report - Combine Salary Sacrifice contribution (NP-796)

New RBS Bacs Format (NP-797)

Bacs Auto Approval for Christmas (NP-798) - Changes to allow for office closures.

Include unallocated items on Nominal Code report (NP-802)

Pre/Post Tax payslip bug (NP-803) - Fix a bug where elements with differing rate names were being duplicated in the YTD totals.

Prevent rollback of payroll in first period (NP-805) - A payroll cannot be rolled back if there is no period to roll back into.

Auto Bacs - Use InPay office code (NP-807)

No Statement Signed Starter Declaration Addition (NP-808) - A new option on the starter statement screen that can only be selected when table letter C is picked. This causes the tax code to be 0T wk1/Mth1 rather than BR Cumulative.

Attachment of Earnings Change (NP-809) - Include employees on report who have an AEO but haven't had a deduction in InPay.

PTX Payment File Format Change (NP-815) - Add employee's bank account name to output.

Gross Pay Checker Report (NP-817) - A new report.

Rounding in Employee -> Pay screen and Importer (NP-819) - Use the correct rounding for hourly and daily rate.

CIS Payslip Styling in IE (NP-822) - Fixed a bug in IE where a part of the report was not shown.

Error sending SMS on commit (NP-823) - Fixed an issue where an invalid telephone number was preventing a payroll from being committed.

Leaver Payslip on Portal (NP-824) - Show payslips on the payslip portal for leavers if they have received pay.

Include employees with only ER pension payment on pay reports (NP-833) - Report on employee's who have zero gross and net pay if they have an ER Pension payment.

Update department splits through the rest webservices (NP-834) - Fix an issue that was preventing the department and cost centre splits being updated through the department REST API.

Company Ordering (NP-843) - Sort all company lists in alphabetical order.

Nominals/Accounts - Pension NI Savings (NP-844) - Add B\S Pension NI savings and P\L Pension NI Savings and show on reports.

Nominal reports offsetting (NP-844) - Debit and credit amounts should offset each other on reports to produce one line per GL Account code/department.

Nominal Masks employee level narrative (NP-845) - Do not include the employee name in the narrative.

Group reporting Pay Summary Detailed Plain - make numbers as numbers not text (NP-850)

Order Nominal Mask drop down list (NP-853) - This is the drop down list that is on the allocate masks tab on the Nominal Mask screen.

Export rename (NP-854) - Fix a bug that was preventing you from renaming an export.

Mid period multi week schedule calculation for starter (NP-856) - Use the correct weeks from the schedule to calculate the number of days worked before the employee's start date.

Add Payroll Reference as a Naming Convention Option (NP-857) - Added Payroll Reference as an option for the file names for the External Export.

XML Payslip database indexing (NP-858) - Added indexes to the database tables to improve performance.

Aegon Pension V2 report should pick up all employees (NP-869) - Include all employees who have been paid in the period, not just those on the pension scheme.

Link portal users from an XML Payslip company (NP-870) - Allow users to be linked from an XML Payslip company to allow a live InPay company to be linked to historic payslips at a later date.

InTime Timesheets Delete Issue (NP-876) - Fixed a bug preventing timesheets on the Pay > InTime Timesheets screen from being deleted.

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