InPay V5.3 Release Notes

InPay V5.3 Release Notes


Disguised Remuneration

A new field has been added to the EmployeeDetails screen and will feed through on any FPSs that are created on or after 1 March 2019.  The field should be populated with any outstanding Disguised Remuneration loans to which the charge on DR loans applies.

Postgraduate Loans

From April 2019, postgraduate loan deductions will be taken from salary in the same way the student loan deductions are currently.  Loans will be deducted at 6% on earnings above the £21,000 per annum threshold.  For further guidance please refer to HMRC's website.

Loans will form part of the starter declarations and can be entered through the Employee → Starter screen, the EmployeeStarter Declaration screen, or imported with the Employee Starter importer.

Two additional options have been added to the ProcessingHMRC Data Retrieve screen (PGL1 and PGL2).  This matches the existing student loans functionality for starting and stopping Postgraduate Loans.

The name of the PayStudent Loan screen has been changed to Pay → Statutory Loans.  Both loan types can be started and stopped as required.

Welsh Tax Codes

In accordance with recent legislation InPay will now allow Welsh tax codes (prefixed with a C) and calculate tax accordingly.  For 2019/20 the rates will be the same as the standard UK rates.  

Auto Enrolment - Postponement

A field has been added to the CompanyGeneral screen which will automatically postpone new starters for 3 months or 12 weeks.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

The ability to record and report to fully comply with Gender Pay Reporting regulations has been added to the system.  Further details can be found in our documentation via the following link: Gender Pay Gap.

Worker Type and Daily/Hourly Rate

InPay has been enhanced in the area of Hourly and Daily rates.  Firstly, a new field has been added to the Employee → Starter and Employee General screen called Worker Pay Type, this controls where in the system the rates are picked up from.  The field has also been added to the flat file and Employee Starter Importer.  The options are Salaried, Graded or Hourly

A new field has also been added to the CompanyGeneral screen named Default Worker Pay Type. This will default new workers if no pay type is selected. Upon first setting up of the type there will also be the option of applying to all current workers 

If the Worker is set as Salaried then the hourly rate is based on their pay divided by Contracted Hours.  Contracted Hours continues to be shown on the EmployeeJob Details screen.  It will also be taken from the default workgroup options as it does currently.  There is also now the option to set the Contracted Hours on the Employee Starter screen and the Employee Starter importer.


The current Hourly Rate will continue to show through the PayPayments screen.

The CompanyPay Elements screen has been amended to allow Payment elements to be set based on the daily or hourly rate, there is also the opportunity to associate a factor against the pay element.

Once selected these rates will be automatically populated on any one off payment imports where only the number of hours is declared, the same applied through the timesheet grid and the PayAdjustments screen.

Rate settings can be selected through the Rate Calculation & Absence section of the CompanyGeneral screen.

Reporting Change

On the reporting screen the pay period field is automatically populated with a zero (0) upon selecting a report.

AEO By Date Range

A new report has been added to the 2.Pay section.  This shows deductions company wide for a date range and will be useful for verifying BACS payment amounts.

Percentage Deductions

A new screen for percentage deductions has been added.

Please refer to the documentation in the following link for more details: Percentage Deductions.

Import - Number of Lines Imported

The import screen now shows the number of lines successfully imported in the Import History List.

Salary Sacrifice Change

Pay Elements set up for salary sacrifice will not deduct where there is no pay or there are only statutory absence payments

Part Time Staff on 260/261 Working Days Calculation

This has been fixed to calculate correctly. 

Pay Date Override on FPS

The ability to override the pay date has been added upon FPS creation.  If not entered the pay date from the payslip will be used

Notional Employers Pensionable Pay

A field has been added against absence records to populate the employer's pensionable pay to use in pension calculations during their absence. 



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