Go Live Checklist

Go Live Checklist

Client / Agency

Before you are ready to Go-Live,

You should ensure the following have been completed/configured:

If you have a Front-End system connected to RSM InTime (e.g. Adapt, Bullhorn, Web Services, SFTP, Placement Importer etc.), you have completed the following:
Please note, the Profiles will be deleted as part of the Clear-Down process for Going-Live, but will be re-imported - dependent on the Front-end system import criteria/specification

If you do NOT have a Front-End system connected to RSM InTime (e.g Manual Entry), you have completed the following:
Please note, the Profiles will be deleted as part of the Clear-Down process for Going-Live

You have also reviewed and tested RSM InTime from end-to-end and run through all your business processes and requirements, including:

If your RSM InTime is connected to InPAY (Payroll/PAY Module), you have configured and reviewed:
InPAY is not available on RSM InTime CORE systems

  • InPAY: Set up required Pay Elements, ensuring the Pay Element description matches the pay element code in your import file.
  • RSM InTime: Synchronise created Pay Elements (above) from InPAY to RSM InTime
  • InPAY: Set up required Payrolls
  • InPAY: Set up required Pay Periods for Payrolls (above)
  • InPAY: Put InPAY into the current/correct Pay Period
  • InPAY: Set up required Pension Schemes
  • InPAY: Set up required Holiday Schemes
  • InPAY: Configure your HMRC Parameters for the HMRC (DPS) Data Retrieve and ability to connect to the HMRC electronically
  • InPAY: Import PAYE Workers with Year to Date (YTD) Figures using InPAY Flat File.
    Please note, you will require the live YTD figures for your Go-Live cut-over as you move from your previous payroll provider/software  to InPAY
  • InPAY: Run through Payroll processing requirements for your Agency and how to process this in InPAY. 
  • InPAY: Please review the RSM InTime/InPay Payroll Process - we suggested your Agency runs at least a 2 Period parallel alongside the current Payroll system/provider 


  • Confirm the Go-Live Approach with the Client / Agency 
  • Set up Pre-Go-Live Call
    • Data/System Cleardown
    • Front End System vs Manual Entry Configs
    • First Timesheet Entry Date
    • Enabling Communications
    • Reminder Emails
    • Timesheet Exporters
    • Invoice Exporters
    • Payment Files
    • Payroll Parameters (InPay)
    • User Acceptance Sign-off (UASO)