Creating Expense Types

Creating Expense Types

An expense type is used to set up some basic properties about expenses.  They are used when you come to create your expense templates.  The type sets up some generic properties such nominal codes, pay elements and whether mark-up is applied to the associated expenses.

The number of expense types is typically less than the number of different types of expense that can be claimed.  For example, if you were to configure your expense template to allow contractors to claim hotel bills, food and travel, you may find that you only need a single expense type for all of these.  If however you wanted some items to require a receipt and others not to, then you would need more than one type.

An expense type is a particular category of expense that can be claimed by the contractor against a placement. You need to create the expense types that the worker will need to claim.

RSM InTime already contains two default expense types: ‘default’ and ‘invoice adjustment’. Note: Do not edit the invoice adjustment template. For more information see Invoice Adjustments.

The default type is a generic expense type.

You can use these pre-configured types, but we recommend that you create your own expense types based on the requirements of the placement.

For example, you might want to create an expense type of 'mileage'. You can then assign this expense type certain properties, such as it's HMRC category, you can specify if it is payable and chargeable; whether it is taxable, and so on.

You might also want another type of expense, which covers typical expense claims such as food and accommodation. You might call this expense type 'subsistence'. You do not have to set up an expense type for each individual item that a contractor might claim as an expense. The important thing to consider is if the expense items that would be claimed under this expense type all share the same properties, i.e are they all payable and chargeable?

How do I create an expense type?

  1. Above the menu you will see  > Expense> Expense Types.
  2. Click Add.
    The Create Expense Type page appears:

  3. In the Name field, enter the name (for example, ‘Mileage’).
  4. In the Pay Element Code field, enter a code that matches the pay element you want to use for this expense type.

  5. Nominal Code field, enter a nominal code for this expense type that you want to be passed to your accounts system.

  6. From the HMRC Category list, select the appropriate category.

  7. Specify whether or not the expense type is Payable. By selecting 'Yes' you are specifying that the expense can actually be paid to the worker.

  8. Specify whether or not the expense type is Chargeable. By selecting 'Yes' you are specifying that the expense will be paid by the client.

  9. NIable.  This field relates to InPay linked clients only.  It determines whether National Insurance is calculated on the value of the expense.

  10. Taxable.  This field relates to InPay linked clients only.  It determines whether tax is calculated on the value of the expense.

  11. Sales Taxable.  This field relates to whether an expense can include VAT.

  12. In the Charge Markup % field, enter any mark-up that is applicable to the expense type. For example, you could set the rate at which a worker can claim mileage, and then apply a mark-up to that rate which would then get passed on to the client.

  13. In the Paper Required field, select whether or not the expense type requires paper documentation (for example a receipt) in order to be claimed.

  14. In the Description field, enter a description for the expense type.

  15. Click Save.

InPay Linked Clients

Before making any changes to your Expense Types, please contact the support team.  It is vitally important that Expense Types are configured correctly.  Failure to do so may result in incorrect payment calculations.

  1. Create the pay element in InPay
  2. In RSM InTime, go to Configuration  > Expense Types > Import Expense Types From InPay
  3. The new pay element will be shown in two lists highlighted in purple: as a TIMESHEET pay element (top section of the screen) and as an EXPENSE pay element (bottom section of the screen)
  4. Make sure to select the pay element in the EXPENSES section, then click the Update button at the bottom of the screen
  5. The page will refresh to show the pay element highlighted in green indicating that it has successfully synced to RSM InTime
  6. You can now use this pay element on placements or expense templates.

If the pay element has already been synced from InPay you cannot change it from Timesheet to Expense and vice versa.  A new pay element will need to be created and the process repeated, making sure to select the pay element in the correct list in step 4.  

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