Online Contracts and Compliance

Online Contracts and Compliance

Contract documents are files that can be associated with a worker, provider, manager or a placement. They can be used to share information, request information or to electronically sign an agreement between different parties.

Contract documents often apply to specific placements. For example, workers who are contracted to work at Acme Ltd may be provided with a number of documents such as terms and conditions, or a health & safety policy. Some documents might require the worker to acknowledge acceptance of the document, while other documents might be for their information only.

You can upload the required contract documents to RSM InTime. Documents can be uploaded to different areas of RSM InTime, depending on who they are relevant to.

You can also specify how users are notified that contract documents are ready for them to receive, and what happens if they do not accept those documents.

You can set up contract documents:

  • For a specific client.
    For example, those documents are specifically relevant to that client, and all placements with that specific client are covered by one set of documents.
  • On a per-placement basis.
    Each placement might require its own set of documents.
  • For specific workers and providers.
    You might have individual agreements with specific workers and umbrella companies.

Note: In order to be able to upload contract documents for a client or a placement, you must first assign a client manager to the contract manager role. The contract manager accepts documents on behalf of the client.

You do not need to assign a specific user role to a worker in order to upload contract documents for the worker. However, you do need to create at least one user for a provider in order for there to be a user who can accept a contract document.

Online Contracts is a chargeable module. Please contact Account Management to enquire about purchasing this module.

How do I assign a client manager the contract manager role?

  1. From the menu bar, select Client; then view managers against that client by selecting View Managers from the drop box on the edit button.
  2. Click the Managers tab:

  3. On the Managers screen, click the edit button against the manager and select Change Roles
    Tip: You can also search for managers from the Profiles > Managers menu option.

  4. On the Edit Roles page, in the General Roles grid, select the Create, Write and Read roles; and in the Additional Client Manager Roles area, select Contract Manager

  5. Click Save.
    The selected manager can now accept contract documents for the client.

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