Assigning and Withdrawing Contract Documents

Assigning Documents via Profile

You can assign documents and document packs directly via a placement, worker, provider or client.

  1. From the menu bar, select Profile, then either click on the relevant profile needed. 
  2. From the list, click on the Edit dropdown against the entity you wish to assign the document. Click on Documents.
  3. From this screen, you have three options; 
    1. Add Document - this allows you to add a new document independent of a pack or client/supplier pool. 
    2. Assign From Pool - you can assign a document which already exists within the client/supplier pool.
    3. Assign From Pack - you can assign an existing document pack.

Add Document

  1. In the Reference field, enter a reference for the document.

  2. In the Name field, enter the document name.

  3. In the Version field, enter the version number of the document.

  4. In the Status field, select the type of document that you are uploading:

    1. For Acceptance
      This will require the appropriate user to log in to RSM InTime and click Accept to acknowledge that they agree with this document's contents.

    2. For Information
      This type of document is for informational purposes only, and does not require the user to accept it. Typically, this will be a reference document.

    3. Pre-accepted
      You would typically set a document to pre-accepted if, for example, a user has already signed a printed version of the document.

    4. Information Request
      You would use this setting if you require the user to provide some specific information. For an information request, you do not upload a document yourself. Typically, you would use the Comment field to request a specific document from the recipient.

  5. In the Due Date field, enter the date that this document is due to be accepted.

  6. You must enter a due date for a document that requires acceptance, or for an information request. Note: Where your agency is set to prevent timesheet submission when outstanding documents are against the Placement, Worker or Provider, this only takes affect once the document due date has passed. 

  7. In the Expiry Date field, you can set an expiry date for the document.
    For example, a particular policy document might expire at the end of the tax year.

  8. Click Pre-Acceptance Required
    A list appears, allowing you to select and Administrator or Consultant who should pre-accept the document before it is sent to the intended recipient.

  9. In the Comment field, add any comments required.
    For example, you might want to add some instructions for the benefit of the recipient.

  10. Click Upload, browse to the appropriate document on your machine and select.

  11. Click Add Document.
    The document is added to the recipient. 

Assign From Pool 

  1. Click on Assign against the document from the list shown.
  2. In the Status field, select the type of document that you are uploading.
  3. In the Due Date field, enter the date that this document is due to be accepted. You must enter a due date for a document that requires acceptance, or for an information request. Note: Where your agency is set to prevent timesheet submission when outstanding documents are against the Placement, Worker or Provider, this only takes affect once the document due date has passed. 
  4. In the Expiry Date field, you can set an expiry date for the document.
  5. Select whether the document should be sent to the worker or the agency using the radio buttons. 
  6. In the Comment field, add any comments required.
  7. Click Assign Document.

Assign From Pack 

  1. From the list of document packs, click Assign against the required pack. 
  2. In the Due Date field, enter the date that this document is due to be accepted. You must enter a due date for a document that requires acceptance, or for an information request. Note: Where your agency is set to prevent timesheet submission when outstanding documents are against the Placement, Worker or Provider, this only takes affect once the document due date has passed. 
  3. In the Expiry Date field, you can set an expiry date for the document.
  4. Select the document recipient from the list (this will default to the profile you selected document against). 
  5. Click Assign.

Assigning Documents via Document Pool

  1. From the menu bar, select Compliance > Supplier Document Pool (for workers & providers), or Compliance > Client Document Pool.
    The documents that have been uploaded to the respective pools are displayed in the list.
  2. For the appropriate document, click Assign.
  3. The Assign Document screen is displayed. You can use the Search Options to search for a specific client/worker/provider, alternatively you can select the Assign checkbox against clients/workers/providers to assign from the list shown. If assigning to a Client, under the Manager dropdown you can select which manager is the recipient. 

  4. If you specified that this was a document, you can set the document Status, and enter a Due Date (which is mandatory for For Acceptance and Pre Accepted) and/or Expiry Date.
  5. Click Assign all Recipients if you want the document assigned to all the people in the  Recipient or Manager drop-down list.
  6. Click Assign.
    The document is assigned to the selected recipients. 
    Note: Where your agency is set to prevent timesheet submission when outstanding documents are against the Placement, Worker or Provider, this only takes affect once the document due date has passed. 

How do I search for current documents?

If you are the agency administrator, you can view all the contract documents that are in RSM InTime.

  1. From the menu bar, select Contract Documents > Current Documents.
    You can use the filter options to specify which documents are displayed in the list. For example, you might want to search by document status in order to return all documents that need to be accepted.
  2. Click Search.
    The documents that match the search criteria are displayed.
  3. If you are required to accept one or more documents, select the appropriate documents and click Accept.

How do I withdraw current documents?

  1. From the menu bar, select Contract Documents > Current Documents.
    You can use the filter options to search for the specific document(s) to withdraw.

  2. You can click the checkbox against the Select column and click on Withdraw. Alternatively you can click on the Reference on the document you wish to withdraw. The details of the document are displayed. Click on Withdraw, you will be asked to confirm this action. 

  3. You can search for and view any withdrawn documents under Compliance > Current Documents and selecting Withdrawn from the Document Status dropdown. 


Q. Is there a limit to the Contract Document File size I can upload?

A. Yes. The limit is 10mb per file.

Q. Which Contract Document File format/type can I upload? 

A. Any file document types and image types are supported.


Q. Is the acceptance of Contract Document Files legally binding? 

A. RSM do not offer any guarantee with respect to this.  RSM InTime allows you to customise the acceptance message and the recipient must acknowledge acceptance of the document.  You should determine whether this meets your requirement before using this facility. 

Q. Is there away to link or mass upload (e.g. via a csv file) contract documents in RSM InTime? 

Bulk uploading e.g. via a .csv file is not possible. If required, a single document in the document pool can be mass assigned.

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