Viewing and Accepting Contract Documents

Viewing and Accepting Contract Documents

If you have been assigned a contract document, you will need to read it if it is for your information only, or accept it if you are required to do so.

How do I view or accept a document?


Option 1

If dashboards are enabled within the contractor portal, contract documents can be viewed via the 'Contract Documents' activity dashboard by clicking on the name of the document.

  1. To view the document, in the Contract Document Details area, click View in the last column of the document list.

  2. To accept the document, in the Actions area, change the status to Accept.

  3. Click Confirm Action, and confirm you want to accept the document.
    You have accepted the document.

Option 2

  1. If your administrator has set up web notifications for you, documents are also accessible via the black Notifications bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Click the Notifications bar:

  3. Click the Click Here link.
    The screen displaying the contract document is displayed.
  4. To view the document, in the Contract Document Details area, click View in the last column of the document list.

  5. To accept the document, in the Actions area, change the status to Accept.

  6. Click Confirm Action, and confirm you want to accept the document.
    You have accepted the document.

Tip: If you don’t have notifications set up, you can click Contract Documents > Show All; then select the Accept box for the appropriate documents and click Accept.

Client Manager

If dashboards are enabled within the agency client portal, contract documents can be viewed by clicking the 'For Acceptance' tile within the 'Contract Documents' activity dash.

  1. To view the document, in the Contract Document Details area, click View in the last column of the document list.

  2. To accept the document, in the Actions area, change the status to Accept.

  3. Click Confirm Action, and confirm you want to accept the document.
    You have accepted the document.

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