Client Portal

Client Portal

Please navigate to the Client Portal via https://portal.es.rsmuk.com

Client Portal User Guide v1.pdf

The RSM Client Portal seamlessly links with RSM InTime and our /wiki/spaces/ds/pages/51871887 to provide a centralised management reporting window through which you can view the information held on all back office functions of your agencies accounting and management reporting

Key benefits

  • Accurate, detailed, real time information to facilitate good decision making
  • Accessibility 24/7 from any major browser
  • Drill down to underlying transactions including scanned images of supplier invoices and other documents
  • Secure document and file management via the Document Centre
  • Avoid paper and printing costs by emailing reports, orders and invoices via the Document Emailer function


When you log in you are presented with a ‘dashboard’ of key information relevant to your business. Filters allow the user to change the company, year and period shown on the screen.

Further detail is available by clicking on the relevant statistic. This information is available both in a table and as a graph.


The full suite of financial and management reports available via the portal includes monthly and quarterly Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet and Customer/Supplier Reports. All reports include drill down to the underlying transactions meaning you no longer need to wait for a detailed breakdown to be provided by the accounts team. As with the dashboard, all reports operate in real time so when data is entered in any of the RSM applications – /wiki/spaces/ds/pages/51871887, payroll, time reporting, billing – the information reported is automatically updated.

The customer suite of reports includes a credit control report that allows comments to be added against a debtor, facilitating the credit function.

Analysis Grids

Analysis grids allow users to run queries and generate graphs and other reports with additional functionality of formulas, grouping, aggregates, filters and cross tab queries.

Invoice Centre

The Client Portal is not just a reporting tool; it also allows users to upload scanned images of purchase invoices for viewing within the portal.

Using our barcode OCR technology the image is associated with the purchase invoice record. Users can then view these images from within the purchase ledger transaction report and by drilling down to the transaction from within the profit and loss account report.

Document Emailer

Avoid paper, printing and dispatch costs by emailing orders, statements and remittance advices directly from the portal. Because this system is dynamically linked to the accounting software there is no need to re-key, print of manually intervene in this process.

Document Centre

Users can upload and share documents and files securely from anywhere in the world via our secure environment. This avoids the inherent security risks of email.

This facility can also be used as an extranet for customers and suppliers, with real time reporting of their account balances and customer/supplier related documents available for download.


Security is paramount to the Client Portal. All users are set up with a unique level of authority and can only access those areas of the portal previously agreed. So, for example, a member of sales staff can see customer data only whilst the FD can access the full accounting data and application.

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