Controlling Menu Options

Controlling Menu Options

RSM InTime allows you to control which menu options are shown to Administrators and Consultants.  The system allows you to set up 9 different role levels for Administrators and 9 for consultants.  You can then assign each of your Administrators and Consultants to one of these role levels.

How do I set menu access for specific user roles?

  1. Above the menu bar, you will see  then select Role Templates located in the SYSTEM section.
  2. From the Template list, select the template that you want to modify, then click Choose.
  3. Select, or deselect the menu options to set availability for that role.
  4. Click Save.

How do I assign a Consultant or Administrator to a Role Template?

  1. Find the Consultant or Administrator and edit that user
  2. In the Main section of the screen you will see the Role Level as shown below.  Select the appropriate level and save the user.