Payroll Pay Periods


Use this page to add, update and delete pay period information.



Creating a New Pay Period - Manual

Creating a New Pay Period - Automatic


This screen allows the entry and maintenance of pay periods and pay period dates at payroll level. Access to the fields on the screen is disabled unless a payroll has been selected on the search form at the top of the screen. If a payroll has been selected, the list of any pay periods that have been set up is displayed in the grid.

Creating a New Pay Period - Manual

Pressing the new button will clear the data entry fields on the screen, ready for the details of the new pay period to be entered. The fields available for entry are:

  • Tax Year: Indicates the tax year that the tax period relates to. For example 2012 would represent the 2012/2013 tax year.
  • Tax Period: Indicates the tax period being created/amended. The value entered in this field is determined by the frequency of the payroll.
    • Monthly payrolls: The tax period must be in the range 1 through to 12.
    • Weekly payrolls: The tax period must be in the range 1 through to 53.
    • 2 Weekly payrolls: The tax period must be in the range 2 through to 54 (even numbers only).
    • 4 Weekly payrolls: The tax period must be in the range 4 through to 56 (i.e 4,8,12 etc).
    • Quarterly payrolls: The tax period must be in the range 3, 6, 9 ,12.
    • 6 Monthly payrolls: The tax period must be in the range 6, 12.
    • Annual payrolls: The tax period must be 1.
  • Start Date: Indicates the start date of the tax period being created/amended.
  • End Date: Indicates the end date of the tax period being created/amended.
  • Payment Date: Indicates the payment date of the tax period being created/amended. All payment dates must be between the 6th April of the year specified and the 5th April the following year.
  • Timesheet Cut Off Date: Currently unused in the system, recommended to be set to match payment date

Once all of the fields have been entered, pressing Save will commit the details to the database. The details will then be reflected on the grid.

Creating a New Pay Period - Automatic

Pressing the Generate button will invoke a new screen for entry of parameters to automatically generate the pay period details. The layout of the screen will be dependant upon the frequency of the Payroll selected.

Once the required fields have been filled in, the Generate button will be enabled. Pressing the Generate button will display a grid previewing the generated dates at the bottom of the screen.

It must be noted that generated end dates are one day prior to the start dates of following periods. If the generated dates are satisfactory, pressing Save will commit the generated pay period data to the database, as well as the parameters used to generate them. Amendment to the details of individual periods can then be carried out using the manual entry screen.

Monthly Payrolls

  • Tax Year: Indicates the tax year that the tax period relates to.
  • Period Start Date
    • First Day of Month: Choose this option if the start date of the periods is to be the 1st of each calendar month.
    • Specific Date in Month: Choose this option if the start date of the periods is to be a specific date in the month. The following date field must be filled in, if this option is chosen.
    • Date: The date within a month that the periods must start on. The value entered in this field must be in the range 1 through to 28.
  • Pay Dates
    • Last Day of Month: Choose this option if the pay date is to be the last day of the periods.
    • Last Working Day in Month: Choose this option if the pay date is to be the last working day of each month. The working days are Monday through to Friday.
    • Specific Date in Month: Choose this option if the pay date is to be a specific date within a month. The following Date field must be filled in if this option is chosen.
    • Date: the date within a month that the pay date falls on. The value entered in this field must be in the range 1 through to 28.
    • Last Named Day In Month: Choose this option if the pay date is to be a specific day in the month. The following day field must be filled in, if this option is chosen.
    • Day: The day within a period that the pay date is to fall on.
  • Timesheet Cut Off Date: Currently unused in the system, recommended to be set to match payment date

Weekly Payrolls

  • Tax Year: Indicates the tax year that the tax period relates to.
  • Start Date of Tax Year: Indicates the start date of the first period of the tax year. Generated period start dates will be in 2 weekly intervals from this date. The value entered in this field must be in the range 1 through to 30, if the day is less than the payment date the generator will work on the basis that the date is in April. If it is greater than the pay date the generator will create the first period start date in March.
  • First Pay Date of Tax Year: Indicates the pay date of the first period of the tax year. Generated period pay dates will be generated in 2 weekly intervals from this date. The value entered in this field must be in the range 6 through to 19, since the first pay date of the tax year must be between the 6th and 19th of April.
  • Timesheet Cut Off Date: Currently unused in the system, recommended to be set to match payment date

Two Weekly Payrolls

  • Tax Year: Indicates the tax year that the tax period relates to.
  • Start Date of Tax Year: Indicates the start date of the first period of the tax year. Generated period start dates will be in 2 weekly intervals from this date. The value entered in this field must be in the range 1 through to 30, if the day is less than the payment date the generator will work on the basis that the date is in April. If it is greater than the pay date the generator will create the first period start date in March.
  • First Pay Date of Tax Year: Indicates the pay date of the first period of the tax year. Generated period pay dates will be generated in 2 weekly intervals from this date. The value entered in this field must be in the range 6 through to 19, since the first pay date of the tax year must be between the 6th and 19th of April.
  • Timesheet Cut Off Date: Currently unused in the system, recommended to be set to match payment date

Four Weekly Payrolls

  • Tax Year: Indicates the tax year that the Tax Period relates to.
  • Start Date of First Pay Period: Indicates the start date of the first period of the tax year. Generated period start dates will be in 4 weekly intervals from this date. The value entered in this field must be in the range 1 through to 30, if the day is less than the payment date the generator will work on the basis that the date is in April. If it is greater than the pay date the generator will create the first period start date in March.
  • First Pay Date of Tax Year: Indicates the pay date of the first period of the tax year. Generated period pay dates will be generated in 4 weekly intervals from this date. The value entered in this field must be in the range 3 through to 31, since the first pay date of the tax year must be between the 6th April and 3rd of May.
  • Timesheet Cut Off Date: Currently unused in the system, recommended to be set to match payment date
  • Actual Payment Date: Payment Date override for BACS files - Also affects when the payslips will be sent out from the payroll being committed/published