InTIME / InPAY Payroll Process Steps Overview

InTIME / InPAY Payroll Process Steps Overview

One-Off - On FIRST Migration Tasks:

  1. Ensure Payroll is in correct Period within InPAY 

  2. YTDs for Existing InPAY workers - Employee Data Take On
    InPAY– Import/Export->Import Data – Import Format: Employee YTD NI Balances & Employee YTD Pay Balances, Template: Empty. Select File: Choose file created by take on spreadsheet macro 
    Create an Employee Data Take On Details file with just the Employee Number and YTD figures fields. The employee number in this file will need to match the InPAY Employee number. In your case this is the Bullhorn Employee reference.
    The validation macro will create the 3 files, ignore the EmployeeStarter one for a TEMP payroll with InTIME as InTIME creates the Employees. (Y
    ou will need all 3 for a STAFF payroll).

  3. Pension Schemes
    InPAY – Import/Export->Import Data – Import Format: Employee Pensions, Template: (Choose payroll), Download.
    Fill in and re-upload - For importing employee onto pensions and their contributions. Only employees currently on the Pension scheme should be included. Any employees with Opt Out or Termination Dates should NOT be included.
  4. RTI Number Override, Current Employees, Pension Dates 
    InPAY – Import/Export > Import Data – Import Format: Employee Basic, Template: (Choose payroll), Download.
    1. Update "MakeStarterCurrent" column to "Y" for worker who are not starters.
    2. If the "EmployeeNumber" is not the reference the HMRC know the employee as you can override this put putting it in the "RTIEmployeeNumber" column.
    3. In this file there is also the ability to update "OptOutDate", "PostponeDate" and "TerminateDate" for the Employees Pension status, update these if/as required for migration.
    4. Review Irregular Payments
    5. Review Hours Worked 
    6. Review Off Payroll Worker
    7. Re-upload Employee Basic File.  - Updates those means 1) Employee status "Current" so don't need Starter Statement 2) Communicates with the HMRC using the override set for those employees updated. 3) Has the correct Pension status on migration.

  5. Holiday Schemes
    InPAY – Import/Export->Import Data – Import Format: Employee Holiday Scheme, Template: (Choose payroll), Download.
    Fill in and re-upload - For importing employees on Holiday scheme and setting holiday balances.

  6. Holiday History
    InPay – Import/Export->Import Data – Import Format: Employee Holiday Override, Template: (Choose payroll), Download.
    Fill in and re-upload - For importing 52 worked week history for holiday pay rate calculation

  7. Employee and YTDs for left workers (in this Tax Year)
    InPay – Import/Export->Import Data – Import Format: Employee Starter, Employee YTD NI Balances & Employee YTD Pay Balances, Template: Empty. Select File: Choose file created by take on spreadsheet macro
    Create a separate Employee Data Take On Details file for these employees and fully populate spreadsheet. The validation macro will create the 3 files, you need all 3 files to create the workers and update them with their YTD figures.

Payroll Process Outline:

  1. InTIME – Timesheets > Approved – Check all Timesheets are in.
  2. InTIME – Timesheets >Export – Export Timesheets for LTD, PAYE, Umbrella, IR35, CIS as required.
  3. InPAY – Processing > HMRC Data Retrieve - Apply any HMRC notifications to the workers (e.g. P6, P9, SL1, SL2 etc...)
  4. InPAY – Employee - Check for any adhoc tasks e.g.. Starters, Leavers, AEOs, Absence, Temp Adjustments etc.. and enter these.
  5. InPAY – Reports >Standard Reports – Category: Employee, Report: Exceptions New – Review and resolve exceptions. Check this report multiple Times during your Payroll, this report will update as you carry out more tasks within InPay/Payroll. 
  6. InPAY – Import/Export >Import Data – Import Format: Employee Holiday Scheme, Template: (Choose payroll), Download, Add scheme for anyone not on scheme that needs to be and re-upload to update. You can individually update under the Employee→Holiday Scheme menu when you've found the worker.
  7. InPAY – Payroll >Pension Enrolment – Enrol eligible workers in each payroll from here. Documentation here: http://documentation.in-time.co.uk/x/7IUi. NOT FOR CIS Payroll
  8. InPAY – Reports > Standard Reports – Category: Pay, Report: Pay Summary Detailed Plain / Pay Summary Plain YTD Report – Check figures and tax codes and amend as required.
  9. InPAY – Reports > Standard Reports – Category: Employee, Report: Exceptions New – Review and resolve exceptions
  10. InPAY – Reports > Standard Reports – Category: Employee, Report: Holiday – Review
  11. InPAY – Reports > Standard Reports – Category: Pay, Report: Pension – Review
  12. InPAY – Reports > Standard Reports – Category: Employee, Report: Exceptions New – Review and resolve exceptions. Check this report multiple Times during your Payroll, this report will update as you carry out more tasks within InPay/Payroll. 
  13. InPAY – Processing > HMRC Submission - Generate RTI. Check as per below, then Send, if issues, fix, regenerate and send. NOT FOR CIS Payroll Instead - CIS Verification, CIS Monthly Return
  14. InPAY – Processing > HMRC Submission - Generate EPS. Check as per below, then Send. If needed, as only required monthly. NOT FOR CIS Payroll
  15. InPAY – Processing > BACS Generation – Generate BACS for PAYE payroll only. NOT FOR CIS or IR35 Payroll
  16. InPAY – Payroll > Payroll Processing, choose each payroll and press commit to roll into next period.
  17. InPAY – Reports > Standard Reports – Category: Pension Exports, Report: *As per Pension requirements, e.g. NEST Contribution / Enrolment Pensions* – Generate and provide or upload Pensions reports to pension supplier. NOT FOR CIS or IR35 Payroll
  18. InTIME – Administration > Synchronise Payslips
  19. InTIME – Pay > Generate Invoice – Self Bills (inc IR35 OR CIS if applicable) – Raise using exported date range to pick up all exported above
  20. InTIME – Pay > List Invoice –  Filter for Sent Status of "No". Click "Send" to Send Invoices via Post or Email.
  21. InTIME – Pay > Generate Advice Notes - Advice Notes – Raise using exported date range to pick up all exported above
  22. InTIME – Pay > List Advice Notes – Filter for Sent Status of "No". Click "Send" to Send Invoices via Post or Email.
  23. InTIME – Pay > List Advice Notes – Match supplier invoice to Advice Notes and Accept match.
  24. InTIME – Pay > Generate Payments – Create payment batch for LTD (including CIS and IR35) Self Bill and Supplier Invoices, download BACS file and upload to BACS software.
  25. InTIME – Sales > Generate Invoice – Client Invoices – Raise using exported date range to pick up all exported above. PLEASE NOTE, PAYE Payslips and LTD, UMB, CIS, IR35 Invoices do NOT need to be processed and/or paid to raise the Client Invoice. 
  26. InTIME – Sales > List Invoice – Filter for Sent Status of "No". Click "Send" to Send Invoices via Post or Email.
  27. InTIME – Sales > Search – Filter for Export Status of "No". Click "Export" to generate accounts export files.

FPS & RTI Checks:-


As part of the migration, you have imported in all the necessary YTD balances. These have presumably been checked against the ‘Import Reconciliation’ and ‘Import Reconciliation NI’ reports to confirm that the held YTD balances in InPAY match what they were at the point prior to migration.

Therefore, at the point of sending the first FPS you’ll only need to check the current period figures. You’ll do this by creating your FPS and then clicking the ‘Report’ icon which will generate a PDF showing the figures processed for the current period. If you then run a ‘Pay Summary’ report for the same period, you can check off the figures to ensure they balance. The FPS is then ready to send.

I would also recommend running the ‘Exceptions New’ report, ensuring that in the Company>General screen that in the exceptions section that ‘RTI Exceptions’ is ticked. This will flag a lot of potential RTI issues allowing correction prior to submission. It’s not comprehensive so it’s not out of the question that there may be errors on the FPS itself. InPAY will flag what they are and if you click on them tell you who they relate to so that they can be corrected. Once corrected, you do have to create a new FPS and check again.

In general you would want to reconcile the P32 to the RTI balances since the P32 represents the amounts payrolled (i.e. on the payslips / the actual amount paid) and the RTI represents the total YTD balances as reported to HMRC. Overall these should agree but there can be differences.
The RTI YTD report (see below) is used as a breakdown of the RTI submission and one of the P32 reports such as P32 YTD by Payroll report (run with the All Payrolls flag ticked) is used for the P32 side.

InPay > Reporting > Standard Reports

Category:  4.Statutory               
Report: RTI Year to Date
Report: P32 YTD by Payroll Post 2020

These should agree at a total level and you should agree the months progressively (month 1 then 2 then 3 etc). Primarily, these need to be agreed for the tax paid, NI paid, statutory payments and the Student / PG Loans but you would want to be comfortable that the P32 figures are accurate.
If you need to investigate a difference then the Pay Summary reports can be used as an employee level breakdown of the P32 report. Don't use YTD versions though, only ones that work per period (e.g. Pay Summary Plain or Pay Summary by Period Range).
These will always agree with the P32 report (noting that all pay periods with pay dates between 6th and 5th of the following month will contribute to the value) so you can compare differences to the RTI at a worker level.
Individual differences will need investigating for things like changes to YTD balances and changes to the payroll between RTI submission and committing the period.


Checking the EPS is straightforward as once created you again click on ‘Report’ and any YTD statutory recovery figures, or YTD apprenticeship levy will be shown on here to balance to the P32 reports. What is key is that these are reported as the YTD figure NOT as the figure for that period in isolation.

The only slight issue with the go-live week is that it is both mid-year and mid-tax month. However, if you go into the Processing > P32 Adjustments screen you can add the periodic YTD totals into the system so that the P32 reports can be run with comprehensive YTD figures. This makes balancing much easier as you go throughout the year.

For April to July (tax months 1 to 4), this is easy as it will just be whatever the figures were for those tax months. For August (tax month 5), the first week is presumably this week (pay day Friday 12th?) so not being completed on InPay (unless it is being parallel run?). If not parallel run, then the figures should also be added to the P32 Adjustment screen. If there is an equivalent report to the P32 in their current system, it would be good to balance to this around the end of the week, particularly for Apprenticeship Levy which is calculated on company-level totals rather than employee-by-employee. Once everything is entered, then the P32 YTD report will then show the accurate PAYE liabilities throughout the year and can be used to balance to their online government gateway account figures.

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