InTime Core

InTime Core

There are two software options available depending on the level of functionality and/or integration that you need, the complexity of your set up, and your market sector demands. These are RSM InTime ‘Core’ and RSM InTime ‘Enterprise’.

The best fit option may be determined by your size of operation for example by the numbers of workers that you routinely manage, or by your existing system configuration and integration needs.

If you have opted for RSM InTime Core. The modules and features you have access to are outlined strictly below. If in the future you require additional functionality only available on Enterprise, you can upgrade at a cost of £1,995 (minimum of 2 days) subject to further scoping.

Support package:

  • Knowledge base access
  • Support portal for logging and tracking cases
  • Email support cases
  • Excludes telephone support

Optional modules (additional charging applies)

  • Email approval
  • Online contracts

x Excluded

o Included

Please note some additional modules are chargeable

RSM InTime ModulesFeaturesCoreEnterprise 
CRM IntegrationRSM InTime webservice with single sign onXo
CSV File Transfer ProtocolXo

Adapt webserviceXo

Bullhorn webservice (standard configuration only for Core)oo
Finance IntegrationGeneric finance CSV export




Access webserviceXo

Twinfield webserviceXo

Timesheet CaptureOnlineoo

QR Coded paper timesheetXo
Paper upload via admin portaloo

Batch upload from 3rd party systemoo
Bulk entryXo

Admin create timesheetoo
Timesheet ApprovalOnlineoo

Email Approval (additional costs apply to Core)oo

QR Coded paper timesheet form or approvalXo
Expense CaptureOnlineoo


Admin create expenseoo
Expense ApprovalOnline approvaloo
Email Approval (additional costs apply to Core)oo
Invoicing & PaymentsSales Invoiceso


Permanent Invoicesoo

Contractor Self Billoo
Contractor Advice Noteoo

                               - Agency matchingoo
                               - Contractor matchingoo

Invoice TemplatesXo
Payment & Charge termsoo
Timesheet Adjustment Wizardoo

Contractor paymentsoo
ReportingGross Marginoo
Split commissionoo

Missing timesheetsoo
HMRC Intermediary oo

Additional reportsXo

Timesheet report builderoo
Additional modulesOnline documents and AWR complianceoo
Document mail merge and contract packsXo
Time patterns, filters & tagsXo

Multi tenancy Xo
Advanced billing
(Invoice templates, PO tracking and Sales self-billing)

Multi currency oo
Withholding taxXo
Client portalXo

Rename labelsXo

Role templatesXo

Edit email templatesXo

Custom textXo

Advanced configuration editingDefault Configo

Advanced approval routesXo

SSL certificate & URL domainXo
Additional Software ModulesInPay with CIS and holiday trackingXo
Cloud Accounting - TwinfieldXo
Email oo

Online supportoo

Development requestsXo

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