RSM InTime V24.04 Release Notes

RSM InTime V24.04 Release Notes

banner release notes RSM InTime.png


Over the coming weeks we will be deploying RSM InTime Release V24.04. If you are a user of RSM InTime you will see a blue banner message appear on your homepage once the release is available to you.

Listening to our users is important to us, and therefore we hope that you find these changes useful, and they help streamline your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further.  All previous release notes can be found here: RSM InTime release notes.

Key highlights

Timesheet: If you are using our PAYE module, the status of a timesheet deleted in InPay, will now be reflected in RSM InTime. For more information, see Timesheet status synchronization between RSM InTime and InPay.

Expense and timesheet approvals: You can now customise options with the email approval feature. Options such as a URL link to an approval page and multiple authentications options are now available. For more information, see Enhancements to timesheet and expense approval.

New features

Audit and message archiving

Enhancements to timesheet and expense approval

Timesheet status synchronization between RSM InTime and InPay

Margin report: Update pay and bill hold status individually

Ability to create expenses outside placement days

New BACS format


Improvements to mobile expenses

Accurate representation of umbrella workers on dashboard

Remove primary expense approver for placements

Improvements in timesheet adjustment wizard

Ability to filter by parent client for invoices and margin reports

Change to the custom text editor

New placement history entry

Enhancements to the purchase order number filter

Web service updates

New Feature Details

Audit and Message Archiving

In this release, we have introduced audit and message archiving. The system will maintain audit and messaging data for only two years. Any data older than two years from the current date will be archived and will not be visible in the user interface. For instance, if today's date is June 3, 2024, the system will preserve data up to June 3, 2022. Data older than that will be archived. Please contact support if you need any data prior to two years.

This archiving change affects the following user interfaces:

  • Profiles (clients, managers, consultants, administrators, providers, workers, and placements)

  • Audit history

  • Invoicing term

  • Agency edit (history tab)

  • Messages

Enhancements to expense and timesheet email approval

We have enhanced the expense and timesheet email approval. You can now approve timesheets and expenses through an RSM InTime page link provided in the email. Clicking on this link directs you to a new approval page where you have the option to approve or reject, as well as access additional information including placement details, timesheet data, and rates. Additionally, you can get authentication options, such as username and password, email, email and pin, or none in order to approve the expense or timesheet. Please contact support to enable this feature and set the required configuration options.

Approval page

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Timesheet status synchronization between RSM InTime and InPay

Previously, if a timesheet was deleted from InPay, RSM InTime was not notified and the timesheet status remained as exported, making it unavailable for re-export. In this release, we’ve made a change that ensures that when a timesheet is deleted from InPay, a notification is sent to RSM InTime, which then updates the timesheet's status back to approved, allowing it to be exported again.

Please note that this feature is disabled by default. Please contact support to enable this feature.

Margin report

Update pay and bill hold status individually

A dropdown has been added to the update hold status button on a margin report as shown below. Using the new update pay on hold status and update bill on hold status options, you can now set the pay and bill hold statuses, reason codes, and reasons individually. Please be aware that there is no change to the existing update hold status functionality where you are required to enter both pay and bill hold values together.

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Ability to create expenses outside placement days

You can configure the system to allow expenses outside placement days using the new Expenses.AllowExpensesOutsidePlacementDays configuration. To set the configuration, go to the system configuration cog in the top right hand corner, expenses section and then expenses options. In the Expenses.AllowExpensesOutsidePlacementDays field, you can set the number of days before and after a timesheet period start and end date, that expenses can be entered. This refers to the date of the expense, not the date the user is entering them.

For example, if Expenses.AllowExpensesOutsidePlacementDays is set to 5, and the period is 7 days, starting on 10/06/2024, you should be able to select any receipt date from 05/06/2024 to 21/06/2024.

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New BACS format

We’ve developed a new BACS format, HSBC ACH XML. To see samples of these and all the other BACs formats we have available, go to what payment (BACs) formats are available?

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Enhancement Details

Improvements to mobile expenses

The select approver dropdown for mobile expenses is now displayed only when an approval route is configured. Previously, the dropdown was visible even when creating expenses without a configured approval route.

Accurate representation of umbrella workers on dashboard

Previously in a worker’s dashboard, the worker type for umbrella workers showed as LTD. The worker type will now show as umbrella.

Remove primary expense approver for placements

In this release, we have resolved the issue that prevented the removal of the primary expense approver from a placement. Before this fix, attempting to remove the primary expense approver via placements -> edit -> expenses tab was unsuccessful; the previous value would persist even after clearing the field and saving.

Improvements in timesheet adjustment wizard

The pay and charge rates can be modified in the bulk update rates section now, even when the rate name has a dot (.) or a dash (-). For example, the pay and charge rates would be updated even if the rate name was BasicRate.1 or BasicRate-1.

Ability to filter by parent client for invoices and margin reports

We have introduced a new filter parent for margin report and generate invoices. The new filter feature allows you to search for invoices and timesheets associated with any placement where the client is a child of the specified parent client.

Change to the custom text editor

We have updated our WYSIWYG custom text editor. The custom text editor is located in the appearance section, accessible via the system configuration cog.

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New placement history entry

A placement history entry is now generated when a worker is designated as a leaver and the end all placements checkbox is selected. Before this update, such an action wasn't recorded in the placement history, which caused ambiguity about the reasons for changes to the placement's end date.

Enhancements to the purchase order number filter

Previously, the purchase order filter only allowed searching for POs that were created in the PO tracking system system using sales -> purchase orders. Now, the filter can also accept and search for any POs that are not tracked, but have been applied within a PO field on a placement, timesheet, or an expense. This change improves the purchase order based filtering in timesheet, expense, and margin report searches.

Web service updates

There are some minor changes to web services that will affect all versions. We’ve made enhancements to handle the following scenarios:

  • When retrieving a client, the Client.defaultExpenseItemTemplateGroup field was not populated.

  • No audit history was created when updating the sales invoice contact on placement.

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