RSM InTime V24.03 Release Notes

RSM InTime V24.03 Release Notes

banner release notes RSM InTime.png


Over the coming weeks we will be deploying RSM InTime Release V24.03. If you are a user of RSM InTime you will see a blue banner message appear on your homepage once the release is available to you.

Listening to our users is important to us, and therefore we hope that you find these changes useful, and they help streamline your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further.  All previous release notes can be found here: RSM InTime release notes.

Key highlights

Purchase order: A new purchase order dashboard has been developed, providing you with real time information that is easily accessible. For more information, see new purchase orders widget for administrators and consultants.

Timesheets: Workers can now submit multiple timesheets for a specific period, removing the need for administrators to enter timesheet information on behalf of the worker. For more information, see allow workers to submit multiple timesheets in a period.

New features

Web Services v3.11

New BACS formats available

Ability to manage user roles for each user type

New purchase orders widget for administrators and consultants

Allow workers to submit multiple timesheets in a period

Custom text fields introduced for timesheet and shift

Ability to provide locale-specific labels on invoice templates and timesheet attachments


Ability to add hold reason code and hold reason for clients and workers

Improvements to CSV import for split commissions

Improved validation: Paper processing, Invoice generation for negative timesheets

Simplifying the sent statuses for client invoices

Accurate oncost calculation on invoices

New Feature Details

Web Services v3.11

We are pleased to announce the release of web services v3.11. Updating to this latest version is highly recommended to take advantage of the new features. For instance, the upgrade includes new custom text fields for timesheets and shifts, hold reason code and hold reason for clients and workers. For further details, please see the sections on custom text fields for timesheet and shift and ability to add hold reason code and hold reason for clients and workers.

New BACS formats available

In this release, two new BACS formats have been made available. These are HSBC Poland (PL_ACH_XML_V3) and HSBC Canada (CA_ACH_XML_V3) BACS file formats.
To see samples of these and all the other BACs formats we have available, go to what payment (BACs) formats are available?

Ability to manage user roles for each user type

We have introduced a new screen role management to handle user roles for each user type. Through role management, you can assign access rights and permissions for up to nine different role levels for administrators, limited company user, consultants, managers, and workers. You can then assign each of your users to one of these role levels. We’ve added the dropdown role for worker, ltdcouser, and manager. Previously the dropdown was only available for administrator and consultant.

You can find role management in the system section under the system configuration cog.

Role management

Select the role template from the template dropdown and click choose. Select, or deselect the relevant roles and permissions, and then click save.

For more information about using role management, refer to role management.

New purchase orders widget for administrators and consultants

We have a new purchase orders widget for administrators and consultants. This displays the purchase order tracking entries, such as POs over amount, POs over hours that were previously displayed in the sales invoice widget.

To add the widget, navigate to the system configuration cog located in the top right-hand corner, go to the appearance section, and then access the dashboard settings. From there, transfer the purchaseOrder widget to be displayed on the administrator or consultant dashboards.

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Allow workers to submit multiple timesheets in a period

Workers are now allowed to submit multiple timesheets for a specific period. This configuration was earlier available only to administrators.

To enable this setting, navigate to the system configuration cog located in the top right-hand corner, go to the timesheets section, and then access the timesheet options. Under timesheet entry, set Timesheet.Entry.AllowWorkersDuplicates to yes.

Custom text fields introduced for timesheet and shift

You can now include up to six custom text fields for timesheet and shift. The custom fields appear only if the labels are set in the configuration.

To configure the custom text fields, click on the system configuration cog in the upper right-hand corner, proceed to the appearance section, and select entity custom fields. Input your custom text for timesheet or shift into the respective text boxes and save your changes.

The custom values entered appear on timesheet or shift as shown in the example below:

Ability to provide locale-specific labels on invoice templates and timesheet attachments

You can now display locale-specific labels on invoice templates and timesheet attachments. While editing or creating an invoice term, you can now select a locale to be used. Go to the system configuration cog in the top right hand corner, invoicing and payments section and then invoicing terms. Edit an existing term or click create. Select the required locale from the pre-defined list of locales.

To translate terms, go to the system configuration cog in the top right hand corner, appearance section and then rename terms/labels. Select the locale from the dropdown list, and enter the translations in the label field.

Currently, the locale specific labels only apply to the default invoice template, the timesheet and expense attachments when new layout is enabled, and the invoice body column headers when the default headers are used. For example, if one of your columns is “Job Title”, that’s in the list of editable labels, so the locale specific version will be used (if any). Also, these settings do not impact the historic invoices.

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Enhancement Details

Ability to add hold reason code and hold reason for clients and workers

We have introduced a new hold section under the advanced tab for clients and workers. The bill on hold checkbox to mark a client or worker on hold has been relocated to this section. It is now possible to specify a hold reason code and a hold reason for clients and workers, as illustrated below. For more information about creating reason codes, refer to timesheets on hold.

Improvements to standard CSV import for split commissions

While importing a placement with split commissions, you can now provide commission team and department names as well. The team and department inputs are optional and if provided should be separated by a colon. To import the split commission team and department, refer to the following sample format for the column PLA_CONSULTANT_SPLIT:

John.Smith:0.20:Ateam:Adept|AdamB:0.20:Bteam:Bdept |JacobSanders:0.30:Cteam:Cdept

John.Smith = consultant refcode
0.20 = 20% => commission percentage
Ateam => the section where team data is entered
Adept => the section where department data is entered

Note: The consultants are separated by pipe character “|“.

Improved validation

Paper processing

Several validations have been introduced to improve the working of paper processing:

  • A paper can be processed by only one user at a time. You are not allowed to select paper that another user has already selected. An orange colour coding is introduced to indicate that the paper is viewed by another user.

  • Rows are removed when papers are deleted or when timesheets are created or matched and papers aren't kept.

  • Papers move to rejected state when other users reject paper.

  • Papers are unregistered to the user when they navigate away from the page after about 1 minute, or when they're idle for about 45 minutes.

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Invoice generation for negative timesheets

The system now generates a validation message for negative timesheets during invoice creation when the invoice requires purchase order numbers.

This validation appears when the invoices require purchase order numbers checkbox is selected for the client or invoice requires PO checkbox is selected for the placement.

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Simplifying the sent statuses for client invoices

In our last release, we introduced additional sent statuses for invoices. However, we have reverted some of the changes and further simplified the sent statuses. These statuses allow you to easily identify invoices that are sent, not sent, or waiting to be sent.

The updated statuses are: all, yes, no, and queued.

Accurate oncost calculation on invoices

The oncost calculation displayed on invoices has been updated for the scenario where clients with specific consolidation settings (shown below) and timesheets created with distinct pay elements (rate names) were previously seeing the oncost calculation for the entire timesheet (including all pay elements).

The invoices now reflect the oncost calculation according to the specific rate indicated on the timesheet.

Both the invoices have onCost separated by rates as shown below.



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