RSM InTime V24.02 Release Notes

RSM InTime V24.02 Release Notes

banner release notes RSM InTime.png


Over the coming weeks we will be deploying RSM InTime Release V24.02. If you are a user of RSM InTime you will see a blue banner message appear on your homepage once the release is available to you.

Listening to our users is important to us, and therefore we hope that you find these changes useful, and they help streamline your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further.  All previous release notes can be found here: RSM InTime release notes.

Key highlights

Invoices - We have several developments that enhance your experience of working with invoices. We have introduced additional sent statuses for invoices that allow you to see in real time what stage the invoices are in. You can now attach the payment schedule to client and self-bill invoices for clients and providers. Also, a new column is introduced for expense invoice attachments that shows the name of the approver and the date of approval.

Ability to provide adjustment reasons while adjusting timesheets - You can now create adjustment reasons and make it mandatory to apply a reason within the timesheets adjustment wizard screen. This allows you to keep consistent records of adjustments, which you can report on.

New features

Web services v3.10

Timeout sessions for users

Importing: New select options, error messages & total value calculations

Administrator roles: Bulk delete role for administrators, Approval required for leaver date change

Expenses: Period selection changes in create expenses

Invoices: New sent statuses for client invoices, Attach payment schedule to self-bill and client invoices; New column for expense invoice attachments

Allow employees to overbook holidays

Purchase order filtering and search options

Adjustment reasons


Reports: The ability to download employment intermediaries report errors, Freehand ref filter on search screens and margin report,

New NI table letters

Performance improvements

New Feature Details

Web services v3.10

We are pleased to announce the release of web services v3.10. We recommend that you update to the latest version to benefit from the latest changes.

Timeout sessions for users

You can now set different session timeout values for different user types in the security settings page. Go to the system configuration cog in the top right hand corner, system section and then security settings.

We have replaced the session timeout field with the default session timeout field. We have introduced specific fields to set timeout values for each user type. The default session timeout value will apply to all user types unless you specify a different value for a particular user type. Additionally, the default session timeout value can now be set.

Security settings screen


New select options, error messages & total value calculations

You will now see select all or deselect all buttons in the timesheet and expense import screens. This allows you to quickly select or deselect all entries before importing.

While uploading timesheet data, you will also now see the total pay and total charge values totals calculated based on the rows selected.

We have also improved our error messaging for timesheets dated after the placement end date. Previously the shift was not highlighted in red, but you would be advised there was an error.

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Administrator Roles

Bulk delete role for administrators

There is a new bulk delete role for administrators. Go to profiles, administrators, click the down arrow next to edit and select change roles. The bulk delete options are within the additional timesheet roles and additional expense roles sections. Once selected, the administrator will be able to see a bulk delete option within the timesheet and/or expense menu dropdown.

To use the bulk delete option, go to bulk delete within the timesheet or expense menu dropdown select the timesheets or expenses and click delete, you will be able to select or deselect all. You will then see a pop-up box asking you to confirm the number of items you are attempting to delete. Enter the number and click delete to confirm.

Approval required for leaver date change

You can now set ‘administrator approval required’, when a leaving date is assigned to a worker. This works in the same way as controlling changes to a contractor's details. The leave date can be changed via the UI manually, on a CSV import, or via an integration. Once the leave date is set, there will be an alert in the changes to approve dashboard. If you are using our PAYE module, once the leave date is approved the data will be transferred over to InPay.
If you wish to have this feature enabled, please contact support.

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Period selection changes in create expenses

The period selection option in create expenses has been modified and now works in the same way as the create timesheet period selection. In the period field, instead of selecting a fixed period from the dropdown, you will now see a calendar allowing you to choose any specific date. Once a date is selected, you will only be able to apply a receipt date that falls within that period.

For example: if you are creating an expense for Tuesday 12 March, you can typically select any date between the Monday 11th and Friday 15th March. The system then allows you to select a receipt date from Monday 11th to Sunday 17th March.

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New sent statuses for client invoices

We have introduced additional sent statuses for invoices, allowing you to see in real time what stage the invoices are in. Previously once you clicked send, all invoices were marked as such. Now you will see the below statuses, allowing you to easily identify invoices that are waiting to be sent. These statuses can be filtered on for reporting, using the sent status dropdown field.

The statuses are: queued and sent, not queued and not sent, and queued and not sent.

Attach payment schedule to self-bill and client invoices

You can now attach the payment schedule to client and self-bill invoices for clients and providers. This can be done within the client or provider’s profile and selecting attach payment schedule as yes. Once applied, the schedule will be attached to the email containing the invoice.

New column for expense invoice attachments

A new authorised column is introduced for expense invoice attachments. The authorised column shows the name of the approver and the date when it was approved.

Please note that this feature is only applicable when you use the new layout for invoice attachments and include paper timesheets on invoices and include paper expenses on invoices options are selected under client, provider, or worker advanced settings.

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Allow employees to overbook holidays

You can now allow a worker to submit a holiday claim that is more than the holiday accrual balance of the worker. For example, when a worker with a holiday accrual balance of 40 hours, makes a holiday request of 50 hours, the system will allow the submission of the request. Upon approval, the holiday request of 40 hours is accepted and the remaining holiday balance is updated as 0.
This feature will not be applied automatically, if you wish to enable employees to overbook holidays, please contact support who can enable this for you.


Purchase order filtering and search options

There are two new PO search fields within the timesheets and expenses search screens, and the margin report, allowing you to filter and reporting further on your purchase order numbers within RSM InTime.

There is a single purchase order number field, this can be used for on 1 PO, or a partial search. The minimum number of characters required to filter is three.

There is also a multi-select purchase order number field, this can be used to filter results with exact PO numbers. You will be required to enter at least 2 characters and the select the required PO from the drop down list. Once selected you continue to add additional PO numbers up to ten.

All PO search results returned will be based on the shift, timesheet, expense, placement, and clients.

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Adjustment reasons

You will now have the ability to create adjustment reasons and make it mandatory to apply a reason within the timesheets adjustment wizard screen. Please note, if you wish to have a mandatory field on the timesheet adjustment wizard, please contact support.

Click on the system configuration cog in the top righthand corner. Then within the systems section go to customisation maps.

Click create in the top righthand corner of the screen, alternatively if you wish to edit an existing list, click edit. 

You must have the name Adjustment Reasons, but you can have any key or value for your reasons for adjustment.

When the setting has been made mandatory you will see an adjustment reason field, using the dropdown you will see all the reasons you created within custom mapping.

There will be 2 additional columns added to margin report showing the reason and reason code, allowing you to report on your adjustments.

We have also given you the ability to import the adjustment reason and adjustment reason code during timesheet and expense import. Please contact support if you wish to change your importer.

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Enhancement Details


The ability to download employment intermediaries report errors

You can now download the error and warnings found in the employment intermediaries report as a CSV file using the new download errors button.

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Freehand ref range filter on search screens and margin report

There is now a value range for freehand ref filter instead of a single value. This can be found on all search screens and the margin report.

New NI table letters

You can now assign NI Table letters D, E , K, and N to PAYE workers for 2024 Tax Year.

Performance improvements

Performance improvements have been made in the following modules: margin report, timesheet/expense/invoice search, generation of large credit notes.

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