Company Details
Company Details
Use this page to add or update company details.
The Company Details screen allows the entry of company information for a company within the InPay payroll system.
It is not possible to add a new company from this screen, the create company screen can be used for this functionality.
Basic Details
- Contact Name, Address, Telephone and Fax: These may be entered for reference but are not required and are not critical to any payroll functions.
- Email: There is an options to CC this address when emailing workers from the system.
- Company Code (For Payslip Portal Registration): This code may be sent to employees of the company along with instructions to enable them to register for Payslip Portal.
- Charge Code: Charge Code stored here.
- Small Business : A small employer is one whose total Class 1 NICs, including primary (employee) and secondary (employer) liability, is at or below a set annual threshold, in the qualifying tax year. The qualifying year is the last complete tax year before the first day, the Sunday of the qualifying week (or maternity week). If the business met the requirements in the last financial year this box should be ticked. An employer who qualifies for small employer’s relief can reclaim 100% of certain statutory absence payments, plus an additional 3% compensation payment.
- Small Business (Previous Year): As above but for the previous year.
- Company Code: If this is populated it will show after the company name in the client selector.
- Tax District No: Changing this will change both the Employers Reference and Accounts Office Reference District No fields. (Required before RTI file can be sent)
- Employers Reference: The employers reference provided by the HMRC. (Required before RTI file can be sent)
- Accounts Office Reference (AO Ref): The Accounts Office Reference provided by the HMRC. (Required before RTI file can be sent)
- Unique Tax Reference (UTR): This field must be populated if the company has a CIS payroll.
- Company Logo: A logo may be entered to show on the payslip viewer page.
- AE Not Applicable: Auto Enrolment options need to be explicitly set now. If you decide that you don't need auto enrolment, please tick the AE Not Applicable option.
- RSM Manage Auto Enrolment: This is shown for reference on the configuration sign off report.
- AE Staging Date: This will be the date from when the automatic enrolment duties come into force. This date will be used in the calculation of the employee's enrolment status on the various pension report exports available on the system.
- AE Reassessment Date: Three years after auto enrolment any worker that has opted out or terminated their pension require reassessment. The reassessment date must fall within a window 3 months either side of 3 years after the staging date.
- Pension Postpone: This is the length of time that you choose to delay an employee being automatically enrolled onto a pension.
- Employment Allowance: By ticking this box a company will reduce the amount of employers NICs they pay. This will feed through to the EPS and will show as a reduction on the P32.
- Override Default: This will show if Employment Allowance is checked. If any value is entered, it will override the default allowance for the year. This is useful for migrated companies that have already used all or part of their allowance. E.G. If they have used all of their allowance, 0 can be entered here.
- Agricultural Sector: This will show if Employment Allowance is checked.
- Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector: This will show if Employment Allowance is checked.
- Road Transport Sector: This will show if Employment Allowance is checked.
- industrial/Other: This will show if Employment Allowance is checked.
- State Aid Rules Do Not Apply: This will show if Employment Allowance is checked.
- Apprenticeship Levy: From 2017/18 employer’s with an annual pay bill greater than £3,000,000 will be required to pay the Apprenticeship Levy (further details here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apprenticeship-levy). In order for InPay to automatically calculate apprentice levy this field must be ticked
- Apprenticeship Levy Allowance: Employer's have an annual allowance of £15,000, a sum of between 0 and 15000 can be specified here. The Allowance may be less than £15000 because the allowance may be partly or wholly allocated to another of the Employer's company's
- Apprenticeship Levy Allowance Used on Migration: If a company is migrated onto the InPay platform mid-year the allowance used on the other platform must be entered for InPay to correctly calculate Apprenticeship Levy going forward.
- Apprenticeship Levy Allowance Used on Migration Tax Month: In the scenario explained above the tax month that the payroll was migrated should also be specified. This should be based on the pay date of the first pay period paid through InPay
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