Company Nominal Mask
Use this screen to set up a companies nominal reporting codes using nominal masks. This page will only be accessible if use nominal mask is selected on the Company General screen.
Company Nominal Mask#Nominal Masks
Company Nominal Mask#Allocate Masks
Company Nominal Mask#Nominal Codes
Company Nominal Mask#Report Fields
Company Nominal Mask#Can I export information?
This page has been set up to provide a more flexible way to determine what nominal codes should be used when producing a payroll journal report. Nominal masks provide a method of pulling various codes together for a nominal item using a simple template.
A mask must be assigned to each nominal item to provide accurate reporting.
Nominal Masks
- Nominal Narrative – This is the name of the nominal mask and should be meaningful.
- Split per employee - Indicates whether the mask is to include employee level detail.
- Source – Is limited to the following codes (can be left blank):
- C - Cost centre code
- D - Department code
- N - Employee number
- S - Surname
- V - Division
- L - Location
- SI - Sheet ID
- SS - SalesSector
- SP - SalesProject
- SL - SalesLocation
- SV - SalesDivision
- SD - SalesDepartment
- SC - SalesCostCentre
- SB - SalesBranch
- PS - PurchaseSector
- PP - PurchaseProject
- PL - PurchaseLocation
- PV - PurchaseDivision
- PD - PurchaseDepartment
- PC - PurchaseCostCentre
- PB - PurchaseBranch
- PR - Placement Ref
- PI - Placement ID
- CR - Client Ref
- CI - Client ID
- CA - Client Account Ref
- WA - Worker Account Ref
- TS - SheetPeriodStart
- TD - SheetPeriodEnd
- TL - SheetLineDate
- XC - Consultant Code
- XN - Consultant Name
- T1 - Timesheet Custom Field 1
- T2 - Timesheet Custom Field 2
- T3 - Timesheet Custom Field 3
- T4 - Timesheet Custom Field 4
- T5 - Timesheet Custom Field 5
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 User defined codes – found on the employee general screen
- Position – Indicates which character will be used from the source indicated above. If the above is blank then the character entered here will be used.
Source | D | D | D | D | D |
| C | C | C | C | C |
CharPos | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | - | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | a | b | c |
In this example we will use the following
Department code – DEPT101
Cost Centre code – CC12345
The resulting nominal code will be DEPT1-12345 111abc
Allocate Masks
- Type – The list of nominal items has been broken down into simpler shorter lists. Changing this selection will reload the description list and the table of allocated masks. The options are:
- B\S
- P&L
- Payments
- Deductions
- Description – A list of the items available for this type. Multiple items can be selected to allocate a mask to more than one item at a time.
- Nominal Mask – A list of the nominal masks that have been set up.
Nominal Codes
- Type – You can allocate nominal codes to Departments and Cost Centres. Switch between these two types using this field. When changed, the description list and table of allocated codes will reload.
- Description – This is a list of available Departments or Cost Centres based on the above selection. Multiple items can be selected to allocate a code to more than one item at a time.
- Nominal Code – The nominal code to be assigned to the selected item(s).
Report Fields
Use this tab to determine how a nominal mask will be sectioned into columns on the Nominal Export report. Each row represents a field and you can specify the starting position and length.
Using the example mentioned above, start position 7 with length 5 would return 12345.
The combination of length and position entered here cannot exceed the maximum length of a nominal mask, 40.
Can I export information?
Within export data, there is a table called location, this table populate the nominal code values mapped to respective cost centre and department within the nominal mask screen.