Company Pre-Processing Setup

Company Pre-Processing Setup


Use this page to add, update and delete pre-processed adjustment information.



Creating an Adjustment

Entering Pay Elements


Pre-processed adjustments are used to add an additional payment or deduction to an employee's payslip upon a timesheet being imported. The screen allows the entry and maintenance of pre-processed adjustments within a company. The page defines not only the adjustment details, but also the pay elements that make up the adjustment. Adjustments can be applied at either company, payroll or employee level.

Creating an Adjustment

There are two ways to create a pre-processed adjustment; by entering details, or by copying (or cloning) the data from another adjustment that already exists. Cloning is useful if you need to set up an adjustment that has very similar properties to another adjustment within the system.

Creating an adjustment manually: Enter the adjustment details and press save. Note that you cannot enter pay elements until a adjustment has been saved. The fields available for entry are:-

  • Adjustment Name: Short name that will be used for selecting the adjustment using drop down boxes.
  • Description: Long, descriptive name of the adjustment.
  • Pre Process Expenses: Passes Expenses through the Pre Process Adjustment rather than just standard Timesheets
  • Pay Element: Element that represents the adjustment. Please note that for Gross To Net and Offset adjustments it has to be element of type 'payment', for % and £ it can be either payment or deduction.
  • Adjustment Type:
    1. Fixed amount (£) - amount paid either per timesheet or period.
    2. Percentage (%) - fraction of payment paid either per timesheet or period.
    3. Gross To Net - extracted percentage based difference beteween gross and net, VAT-like offset.
    4. Offset - simple, percentage based offset
  • Percentage / Amount: depending on the adjustment type it defines either the fixed amount or the percentage.
  • Minimum: Minimum amount that will be always applied (if calculated one is below this amount). If minimum is 0 then not applicable.
  • Maximum: Maximum amount that will be always applied (if calculated one is above this amount). If maximum is 0 then not applicable.
  • Apply Fee From: If entered, the adjustment will only function once the timesheet amount has reached this value.

Once the data has been populated, press save to commit to the database. Once saved, pay elements can be set up.

Cloning an adjustment: To create a pre-processed adjustment by cloning a current adjustment, check the clone scheme checkbox. This will allow you to choose the adjustment to copy from, and whether to clone the pay elements. All fields will be cloned with the exception of adjustment name.

Entering Pay Elements

This option is enabled only when type is percentage based. It defines the list of pay elements that a percentage based adjustment is calculated against.

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