Company Court Details
Use this page to modify company court order information.
If your payroll requires you to enter court order details for employees, you must first enter relevant court details at company level otherwise the employee level court order screen won’t operate correctly. If you are not paying the order by BACs, the minimum data you need to enter is the court name.
Available Fields
- Court Name: The name of the court.
- Reference: The court reference.
- Address: The court address.
- Account Name: The name of the account holder
- Sort code: The sort code of the courts’ bank.
- Account Number: The account number of the court.
- Bank Name: Automatically derived from Sort Code
- Branch: Automatically derived from Sort Code
- BACS Reference: The BACS reference for payments by BACS.
- Roll Number: Building society roll number (optional).
Adding Court Information
Press the New button if a court has previously been selected from the Courts grid. If you want the court payments to be paid to the court by BACS, the bank sort code, account number and BACS reference fields must be completed. Enter the court information in the details fields and press save.
Updating Court Information
Select a court from the courts grid and modify fields that court.
Press save to commit changes to the database.
Deleting Court Information
Select a court from the courts grid and press delete. You will be asked for confirmation of the deletion before the deletion actually happens.
The system prevents deletion of courts that are currently being used at employee court order level.