Company Bank Details


Use this page to search, modify and add bank details.





Updating Bank Details

Adding Bank Details


The system contains bank details of all UK banks at the time the system was created, however details of new banks may need to be added and occasionally details amended.

  • Bank: The name of the bank. (If only the first part of the name is entered (i.e Barc) all banks that start with the search criteria will be found)
  • Sort Code: The branches sort code. (if not all 6 digits are entered the search will find all codes that start with the number(s) entered.


  • Bank Name: The name of the bank.
  • Sort Code: The branch's sort code.
  • Branch Name: The name of the branch.
  • Telephone Number: The telephone number of the branch.

Updating Bank Details

If a bank row is selected the name, branch name and telephone number can be amended.

Adding Bank Details

If no bank is selected or the New button is pressed, a new bank can be created by adding the details and clicking save.