Emailing FAQ

Setup for Email

In order for us to send emails correctly, you will need to ensure that you have configured your SFP record and DKIM configuration correctly.  You may optionally apply DMARC, but you should take guidance from your IT provider before doing this.  We cannot make these changes for you as they can only be made by the domain owner. 

It is important to perform this setup for any domain that you send emails from.  For example, you might override the from address on the Payment Terms or Email Template.

Common Issues

Symptom 1 : Email gets marked as SPAM when user receives emails

Symptom 2 : Receive bounce back emails to sending address used within RSM InTime saying the message was rejected and in the details says "553-SPF (Sender Policy Framework) domain authentication 553-fail."

What is SPF?

The SPF record is used to authenticate a server IP address for sending emails on behalf of the domain the SPF record is on (i.e. your domain). This is to stop the email being marked as SPAM due to something called a “reverse lookup”. A "reverse lookup" is when an email server receives an email it queries the domain the email comes from (i.e. your domain) and does a cross check between the IP of the domain (mx record and SPF record) and the IP the email is sent from. If these don’t match it might mark the email as SPAM or reject the email (depending on the organisations email policy for this check failure).

There are two resolutions to this:-

1) SPF (Mandatory - MUST be configured)

You can add an SPF record on the domain to allow our  email server IPs to send email on behalf of your domain. If you have multiple IPs allowed (multiple servers sending emails) then one can be put in the domain (MX) Record and additional ones can be put in an SPF (TXT) record that can be added to the domain. This allows other IPs / domains to send emails on the domains behalf. Information about SPF records can be found below:

Your SPF should look something like the below. We have setup the to cover all our required IPs...

"v=spf1 -all"

Note: The line may have other "ip4:" (for IPs) and "include:" (for domains) in the line.

To test your SPF installation use the follow website: using details below:-


IP Address: AND


Sender Address:

Put the email address that you have designated as the from email address on your RSM InTime system*


When you click "Test", if you get the result below for BOTH IPs you have installed the SPF successfully.

2) DKIM (Optional - but provides extra security. SPF required to be configured as well)

You should set up the following CNAME entries







For example, if your domain is , you would set up and

Once you have created these entries, raise a support ticket stating that you have done so.  We will then verify the configuration and apply the necessary changes to our servers.

For any queries please contact