RSM InTime V23.06 Release Notes

Over the coming weeks we will be deploying RSM InTime release V23.06. If you are a user of RSM InTime you will see the blue banner message appear on your homepage once the release is available to you.

Listening to our users is important to us, and therefore we hope that you find these changes useful, and they help streamline your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further. 

All previous release notes can be found here: RSM InTime release notes

Key highlights 

Timesheets and highlighted days - We have 2 new pieces of development that will help workers when entering timesheets. Any approved holiday days can now be highlighted in a colour of your choosing. You also change the standard non-working days of Saturday & Sunday to that of another time zone. By choosing your selected location the correct non-working days will now be highlighted. 

Invoice features - You can now add additional ad hoc lines to an invoice before generation.  

New features: 

Timesheets: Pre-filter shifts display on timesheets, ability to select a time zone and highlight non-working day

Appearance: Custom colours for purchase order tracking; umbrella workers and holiday claims; highlight booked holidays on timesheet creation screen; role template screen order

Invoices: Ability to add ad hoc lines to invoices when generating; ability to add a related invoice number

Audit history for rate templates

Ability to download in XLSX

Prevention of timesheet submission for expired documents 

Margin report - new column 


Saved reports

Error reporting for CSV imports

Purchase order tracking and spend totals

Audit history for Bullhorn changes

VAT only adjustments and supplier invoices

Selected columns and switch agency

New features details


Pre-filter shifts display on timesheets 

Following on from our pre-filter shifts on timesheets development in our V23.01 release, you can now control within the timesheet options screen if you want this feature displayed. This development forms part of the time patterns and filters module. Within the system configuration cog, go to the timesheets section and select timesheet options. There is a new option dropdown called view timesheets shows shifts as entered. There are 5 options to choose from:

No - The pre-filter shifts will never show. 

If overtime time rules apply - will only show if overtime time rules apply. 

If filters apply - will only show if you have set up daily or monthly filters.

Yes, if overtime rules or filters apply.

Yes, always.

Previously this would provide an additional tab within the timesheets. Moving forward the tab has been removed and the pre-filtered shifts will show within the timesheet.

Ability to select a time zone and highlight non-working days 

RSM InTime's timesheets have saturdays and sundays highlighted in blue to stand out from monday to friday, this helps workers when entering their time. If the placement is based in a location where saturday and sunday are not non-working days, you can now add a time zone to the placement. 

The new time zone dropdown is located on the timesheet tab, within the placement. Within the dropdown are a selection of countries whose non-working days do not fall on saturday and sunday. When you select the appropriate country, all timesheets will then highlight the correct days for that country.

For example, if you select Asia Kabul in the placement:

The timesheet will highlight fridays and saturdays in blue. This can be applied to existing placements and will update any new timesheets that are created.


If you are an admin user with the advanced configuration option, we have developed additional custom appearance features, to help tailor your instance of RSM InTime to your needs.  To access these, go to the system configuration cog and use the appearance section. If you cannot see this section, your user profile has the advanced configuration option disabled. You will need to ask an admin user who does have this option enabled, to reinstate this for you. 

Please note: this cannot be enabled by the support team, it requires an internal admin user from your agency.

Custom colours for purchase order tracking   

You will now be able to turn off purchase order colour highlighting. The colour codes allow you to track when POs are nearing and/or over a chosen percentage or hours. These colours will then show within the purchase order screen, under the sales menu option. If you wish to switch off colour coding, go to the system configuration cog, the appearance section and select colours & menus. Click on the purchase order tab and untick purchase order colour highlighting

If you are not using PO tracking, please go to purchase order numbers for further details.

Umbrella workers and holiday claims dashboard

If you are using holiday claims within RSM InTime, umbrella workers who are allowed to make holiday claims will now be able to view holiday claims dashboard on their homepage. Go to the dashboard option in the appearance section, each user group has a selection of dashboards that can be chosen, any dashboard that you wish to appear on the user's homepage screen, needs to be in the righthand box. 

Highlight booked holidays on timesheet creation screen 

There is a new colour customisation option introduced to highlight booked holidays within the timesheet creation screen, go to colours & menus in the appearance section and in the theme tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen. You will see the option: Custom booked holiday highlight colour on timesheet creation page. Click on the white long bar, and a pantone colour panel will appear, you can either move the colour spots around, or enter the pantone colour. Once you have set the colour, tick enable customisation. Once complete click save. 

You will then see the applicable holiday days highlighted on the timesheet entry screen.

Role template screen order 

We have reordered the role template screen, this will now mirror the order the items sit within a menu drop down, for example with timesheets and expenses. We have also changed the administration section; it has been renamed to settings and is separated to mirror the system configuration page. Following on from our advanced configuration development for admin users, additional options have been added, allowing you full control over what access your admin users have. For example, you may have wish to allow some admin users to be able to change colours, custom text, and dashboards, but not be able to build timesheet importers. 


Ability to add ad hoc lines to invoices when generating   

Following on from our development allowing you to edit the body of invoice once generated, in our V23.02 release, you can now add additional lines to an invoice before it has been generated. Go to generate invoices in either sales or pay, click edit in the preview panel of the invoice you wish to add an ad hoc line to. 

We have changed the layout of the edit screen, there are now 4 tabs available; select ad-hoc. You will then see the screen below, this mirrors the multi line client adjustments functionality. You can enter a payroll ref and choose a pay element. You must enter a line description, associate a placement, and then enter net, tax code, and tax. Once complete click save, to close the box, click the X. Once saved, this will update the generation screen totals and the additional lines will be added to the invoice once generated.

Ability to add a related invoice number  

When you edit an invoice or credit note after generation, you will now be able to edit or add a related invoice number. 

Find the invoice or credit note you wish to amend and go into it, click the red edit button in the top left hand corner.

You will find the relates to field at the bottom of the screen, this will allow you to search for invoices or credits. You will only be able to search for items associated with the entity that the original invoice is for, and you can only have 1 invoice number.  Select the one you wish to use, scroll to the bottom of the page and click save. When you go back to the invoice or credit note you will now see the relates to field will either be updated to the item number you have chosen, or the field will be added.

Audit history for rate templates 

If you are using rate templates, you will now be able to view a full audit history on creations, edits, clones, updates, and deletions. To view the audit trail, go to reports in the top menu bar, and audit history. This audit report is viewed by calendar day, you will then see a full audit description of the changes made the chosen date.

Rate templates allow you create a set of rates specific to a client, which can be applied to any placement associated to that client. This feature is not available by default, if you wish to have this enabled, please contact support.

Ability to download in XLSX

You will now be able to export in excel XLSX and CSV. There is a small down arrow next to the CSV button, when you click on the down arrow you will see the option excel. If you wish to download in CSV, simply click on the CSV button. 

You will see this in all search screens and in your list invoices screens for sales and purchase.

Prevention of timesheet submission for expired documents   

We have added an additional setting within our online contracts and compliance module. You will now be able to prevent timesheet submission when documents have expired, and the contractor has not provided an updated document. The document must be past it's expiry date, i.e., if the expiry date is the 1 Dec 2024, on the 2 Dec 2024 the contractor will be unable to submit timesheets.

The online contracts and compliance module allows you to send forms and request information for workers and clients. With 2 options for the module, you can choose to have a PDF editor with mail merge function, allowing you to build your documents within RSM InTime and request electronic signatures. For further details on this module, please contact account management.


Margin report - new column  

There is a new column at the end of the margin report called persisted fields. The column will show an edit option as a blue live link against a timesheet, expense, or adjustment. Any changes made will update the margin report and any export (if applicable). This option will allow you to edit the following fields: 

In the general tab, you can change the provider or contractor type.

In the financial tab, you can edit or add financial tags and split commission consultants. There is also a history tab, which will show a full audit of changes made. Once you have made your changes click save. You will then need to run the margin report again to show these changes. 

Improvement details

Saved reports 

When using the saved reports feature in margin reporting, you may have noticed that when the check box include empty timesheets and the batch reference field were populated, they were not saving. Now this will work as expected and the check box and batch fields will populate exactly as saved. 

Error reporting for CSV imports   

We have made changes to the error messages provided when importing. When using a CSV import for placements and all profile entities, you would receive an error report, this report would only show 1 error in a row at a time, once that error had been resolved, the next error would appear when reimporting. Now, you will see all errors within a line at once, allowing you to review all errors at the same time, and make all necessary changes required. 

Purchase order tracking and spend totals 

If you are using our purchase order tracking feature, you may have noticed that any shifts that were written off that had a purchase order number were not recalculating correctly. This will now work as expected.

Audit history for Bullhorn changes   

Previously when updating a commission consultant in Bullhorn, the update would poll into RSM InTime, but the audit history would not show a change had been made. We have added this change to the audit trail, so now the audit history will reflect the update from Bullhorn.

VAT only adjustments and supplier invoices

When processing worker or provider adjustments with a VAT or Tax amount only, you may have noticed the supplier invoice showed a zero figure. This will now work as expected, and you can process VAT or tax only adjustments as required. 

Selected columns and switch agency

Within any search screens you have the ability to select the columns you wish to view and drag and drop the columns into your preferred order. If you have multiple agencies and use the switch too option, you may have noticed the timesheet search screen would revert back to the default setting of columns. Now the columns you select will remain when you switch agency. Please note: if you caches are updated then columns will return to their default settings.