RSM InTime V23.03 Release Notes

RSM InTime V23.03 Release Notes

Over the coming weeks we will be deploying RSM InTime Release V23.03. If you are a user of RSM InTime you will see the blue banner message appear on your homepage once the release is available to you.

Listening to our users is important to us, and therefore we hope that you find these changes useful, and they help streamline your business processes. We always value feedback, so please contact account management if you wish to discuss anything further. 

All previous release notes can be found here: RSM InTime release notes

Key highlights 

Ability to import multiple time field durations in one placement - If you have a placement that has rates with time & hours, and hours only fields, you will now be able to use the CSV importer. 

Estimated PAYE amounts in the margin report - We have added a column to our margin report to help you identify easily if the ERNI and pension amounts are estimated or the actual amounts shown on an employee's payslip. 

New features: 

The ability to have 0% commission consultants 

CSV placement importer and multiple time field durations

Web services 3.7

Estimated PAYE amounts in margin report


Financial tags on timesheets

Timesheet search screens and column sorting

RSM InTime and our PAYE module: Starter declarations for PAYE workers; invoiced pay net value for adjusted charge only timesheets

Profiles audit history tab date order

List invoice and results for showing all

Financial tags for clients 

Bank name fields

Date ranges on saved reports

Paper column in margin report & timesheet search

Timesheet adjustment wizard and zero hours

Purchase order number tracking calculations

New features details

The ability to have 0% commission consultants 

You can now have a commission consultant with 0% commission. The margin report will be able to report on 0% commission as well. 

CSV placement importer and multiple time field durations 

If you are using the CSV placement importer, RSM InTime can amend the importer to allow you to include multiple time field durations from one placement. Previously you could only import a placement with either: time & hours and decimal, or hours only and decimal

Now, you can import placements that have time & hours, decimals, and hours rates. If you wish to use this new function within the importer, please speak to support

When using the importer, you will need to use the values: 

th - (time and hours)
h - (hourly)
f - (fixed)
tb - (tick box)

Please note: to use th and h you must set the RAT_PERIOD_DURATION to 60.

For more information about how you can transfer data from your front office system to RSM InTime go to importing placements & associated data.

Web services 3.7   

We are pleased to announce that web services 3.7 is now available. Providing you with greater flexibility on the sending and retrieval of data from RSM InTime, full details of what our web services provides can be found here

Estimated PAYE amounts in margin report 

There will now be an estimated ERNI/pension column within the margin report. This column will show as yes until payslips are synchronised back into InTime, then the estimated column will show as no. This will allow you differentiate between the actual ERNI and pension costs and what is estimated based on timesheet data. 

Improvement details

Financial tags on timesheets 

In our InTime V22.01 Release Notes we highlighted a new feature that allows you to control how your placement financial tags are handled against timesheets and expenses. You could either set them to also use the current value applied in the placement, meaning it will change the tag against the timesheet and/or expense whenever the financial tags are updated. Or set the financial tags to always be the value that was applied when the timesheet and/or expense was exported, so if the placement financial tags are updated the tags on the timesheet or expense will remain the same as when they were exported. Alternatively, you can set them to when the timesheet is approved. 

If you are marking your timesheets and expenses as exported, you may have noticed that the financial tags were changing whenever you updated the tags in the placement. Now, when you mark your timesheets and expenses as exported, they will work as expected and the tags will not change. 

This setting can be found by clicking the system configuration cog, and within the system section, choosing stored timesheet/expense values.

Timesheet search screens and column sorting 

You may have been experiencing error messages when sorting on columns within the following timesheet search screens: export, timesheet search, margin report, and expenses search screens. Sorting columns such as bill on hold, units, purchase on cost codes, as well as some charge columns were affected. All searches and sorting will now work as expected. 

RSM InTime and our PAYE module 

Our PAYE module allows you to process all your PAYE employees, this is done through a seamless integration allowing data to pass back and forth, so there is no duplication of data go to InPay integration for further details.

Starter declarations for PAYE workers 

If you are using our PAYE module InPay, when selecting a starter declaration option, you may have noticed the tax code is removed from the field and greys out. This means that the record will not be created in InPay due to validation failing without a tax code. This will now work as expected. 

Invoiced pay net value for adjusted charge only timesheets 

If you export adjustment charge only timesheets to InPay, you may have experienced the margin report showing negative values within the invoiced net pay column against the adjustment timesheet. This will now report correctly, and if it is a charge only adjustment, the margin report will not show any value in the invoiced pay net column. 

Profiles audit history tab date order 

When reviewing audit history tabs within an entity, you may have seen that the order could be either oldest to newest entries, or newest to oldest entries. We have changed this to now reflect the same order throughout all profile entity records. All audit history tabs will show in descending order with the newest audit change shown first. 

List invoice and results for showing all 

Within the sales & pay list invoice screen, if you selected all pages and then performed actions such as: download schedule, export or not exported, you may have received an error and the action would fail. This will now work as required, and you will be able to select all pages and perform any of the actions on that screen.

Financial tags for clients 

If you are using financial tags, you may have been unable to remove existing tags from a client record. When removing and then saving the record, the tags would reappear. This will now work as expected and you will be able to remove all existing tags from a client if required. 

Bank name fields  

The bank name field on any profile or within the agency bank accounts is not a mandatory field, however you may have received an error when generating a payment file if the bank field was blank. This has been rectified and raising payment files with missing bank names will work as expected. 

Date ranges on saved reports 

We have continued to improve the save margin report function. When using this function if you save the report with date filters populated, these will no longer save. This means the next time a user runs the report; all dates range fields will be blank, allowing you to populate these fields with the required dates. We have also applied this to the payroll reference field. 

Paper column in margin report & timesheet search

In any timesheet search screen or margin report, you may have seen the paper column populated as yes even when there were no paper timesheets associated. This will now work as expected and if there are no paper timesheets the column will show no

Timesheet adjustment wizard and zero hours 

When using the timesheet adjustment wizard to adjust zero-hour timesheets, you may have received an error message when process invoicing was ticked, and you would be unable to process the change. This will now work as expected and zero-hour timesheets can now be adjusted and processed as expected.

Purchase order number tracking calculations 

When using the purchase order tracking module, you may have noticed some timesheets were not included in the PO usage stats if there were empty PO numbers at shift levels. This has been rectified and will now work as expected.

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