Mail Merge and User Forms

This is a chargeable module as part of Online Contracts Enhanced. Please contact Account Management to enquire purchasing this module.

PDFs within your document pools can be edited within RSM InTime to include mail merge fields and user inputs. Mail merge fields are useful for creating personalised documents using data stored within your RSM InTime system. For instance, you can include the worker's name within a contract of employment. User forms are useful to collect additional information from a user. This information will be stored within RSM InTime and downloaded as part of the current documents CSV download, but cannot update core RSM InTime data fields. For example, you could request the workers NI number in a form, view this in the submitted document and download as part of the CSV, but this will not update the NI Number field against the worker.

Creating a Mail Merge Document

Mail merge is only available for PDF documents that are stored within your supplier or client document pools. If your contracts are in another format such as a Microsoft Word document, you can export these as PDFs prior to uploading to the document pool.

1) Find the document within the document pool and click the Edit button. Only pdfs will have the edit button.

2) The fields included on the document are displayed to the left (this will be empty for a new document) and the document will be displayed to the right. If your document has multiple pages, you can use the Next and Previous buttons to change pages. Click the Add Field button to add a new mail merge/user input field onto the document.

3) Select the type of field you want to include on the document. If you want to display data from within RSM InTime on your document you should choose Text Field for single pieces of data such as worker name, or Table for repetitive data such as rates on a placement.

In the Field Name box, give the field a meaningful name. You will use this to keep track of the fields you have included on your document. Select the Font and Size that matches your document. In Source of Field, select the entity from which you wish to include the data. In Field, select the data you wish to include. The example above shows how to include the name of the placement's worker on the document. Click the Close button when you're finished.

4) It's often useful collect some user input on a document. A typical example would be to require a date along with a signature. Click Add Field again. Select the Date icon, give the field a meaningful name and select Recipient in the Mandatory for field. The recipient will be required to enter a date on the form before the document can be accepted. Click the Close button when done.

5) To include the field on the document drag the field's icon from the left, to the desired location on the document on the right. The merged data, once included, will be aligned with the bottom of your field. Except for the full address fields and the Signature field type, you shouldn't need to change the height of the field. You will likely want to make the field as wide as possible so drag the right hand handle to make the field wider. You can see an example document below. Click the Save button to when done.

6) The document also includes a Signature field, to allow the recipient to sign the document with a mouse/touch input, and a Digital Signature to stamp the document with the recipient name, date/time and ip address once accepted. Note, the digital signature field only shows upon acceptance and will not be included in the preview.


7) Click the Preview button to see how the document will be presented to the worker prior to acceptance.

The merged fields and inputs are now included within the document.

Assigning a Mail Merge Document

Mail merge documents are assigned in the usual way. The document can only be assigned to the entities for which fields have been included. If you create a document that includes placement fields, the document must be assigned against a placement. If you create a document that includes client fields, the document must be assigned against a client.

1) Find your document in the document pool and click Assign.

2) The example document above included placement fields so we choose to assign the document to Multiple Placements in the Assign To field. Select the recipients of the document and click the Assign button.

Filling / Accepting a Mail Merge Document

This guide demonstrates filling and accepting a mail merge document as a worker. The same process is used for all recipient types.

1) From the current document list, or from the dash board, select the document that is for acceptance.

2) The document information will be displayed to the left and the document itself will be displayed to the right. If it's a multi-page document, the Next and Previous buttons can be used to switch pages. Our sample requires the recipient to enter the accepted date and their signature. Complete the required fields and click the Save & Accept button.

For large forms, it can be useful to complete them over a period of time. Click the Save as draft button to save the document without accepting it.

3) Once the document has been accepted, the user inputs will be merged into the document and it can no longer be edited.

You can also see that the digital signature has been added to the document.

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