

When a contractor has submitted a timesheet or expenses, and it has been approved, an invoice can be generated by RSM InTime.

The invoice contains the information from the timesheet and expenses claim.

You can:

  • Email an invoice to the appropriate recipients.
  • Send postal invoices to the recipients, and mark them as ‘sent’ in RSM InTime.
  • Attach supporting documentation, such as timesheets and expense claims, to invoices.
  • Mark invoices as ‘paid’ when they have been paid.
  • Export invoices to an accounts system.

There are three main types of invoice that can be sent:

  • A client invoice
    Client invoices (sometimes known as sales invoices) can be created by RSM InTime, on behalf of the agency, to be sent to the client once a worker has had a timesheet or expense approved. For more information, see Client/Sales Invoicing.
  • A self-bill invoice

    Self-bill invoices (sometimes known as purchase invoices) can be created by RSM InTime on behalf of the worker or provider, once a timesheet or expense has been approved. See Self-Bill Invoicing

  • Supplier invoice.
    This is an invoice sent to your agency by a worker/provider (sometimes known as a supplier). Workers will create a supplier invoice if they are not set up for self-billing. In this case, RSM InTime can send the worker an advice note, which itemises what the worker should be invoicing. See Supplier Invoicing.

Refer to the appropriate sections for information on how to set which items are included in an invoice, the pre-requisites for the invoice types, and how to send the invoice to the recipient.

How do I know when an invoice is ready to be raised?

There are several different ways in which you can view the invoices that are ready to be generated.

The easiest way is to look at your dashboard:

The Timesheets and Expenses rows contain the following information panels:

  • To Sales Invoice
    This panel applies to clients for whom a client invoice will be created. Click the panel to view all submitted timesheets where the end date of the timesheet is within the last 15 days; or expenses where the receipt date is within the last 15 days. For information on how to generate invoices from the Preview/Generate Client Invoices screen, see Client/Sales Invoicing.
  • To Self Bill Invoice
    This applies to workers or providers for whom a self-billing invoice will be generated. Click the panel to view all submitted timesheets where the end date of the timesheet is within the last 15 days; or expenses where the receipt date is within the last 15 days.  For information on how to generate invoices from the Preview/Generate Client Invoices screen, see /wiki/spaces/ds/pages/51875309.
  • To Advice note
    This applies to workers or providers who are not set up for self-billing. An advice note is not an invoice, but it itemises all the relevant timesheets and expenses that the worker can base their own invoice on. Click the panel to view all submitted timesheets where the end date of the timesheet is within the last 15 days; or expenses where the receipt date is within the last 15 days. For more information on generating advice notes, see Supplier Invoicing.

You can also perform a search, based on a wide range of criteria, for timesheets that are ready to be invoiced. For example, you could search for specific time periods, specific workers, clients, or placements.

Use the Sales menu to select the option for generating the invoice type that you want to send:

Select one of the following:

  • Invoicing > Generate Invoices
  • Invoicing > List Invoices
  • Advice Notes > Generate Advice Note

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